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My heart fluttered as i flashed back to the events of the previous night and I couldn't help but hate the feeling.
But why then did I suddenly feel better after days of feeling somewhat depressed?

To say I was shocked when I saw her standing by my front door would be an understatement. For a second, I was too lost in her eyes to acknowledge Imaan and Sufyan's presence.
She seemed uncomfortable however, throughout as she Hello barely interacted in any of the conversations I had with the others. Did she hate me that much? I couldn't help but wonder.
Despite her silence, something about her presence made me feel at ease, relaxed.
And every now and then, she caught me staring at her. She probably thought I was a freak at some point.
I disliked the fact that even after five years, I still felt that way around her.
I couldn't control my anger once she hurt her toe, I also took myself by surprise when I had decided to drive her home.

I could tell she was also surprised.
It was a silent ride, and felt as though there was an elephant in the room.
She seemed uncomfortable and as though couldn't wait to drop off from my car. I knew because I caught her expressions from my rear view mirror.

I had never felt so at loss of words like in that moment. I wanted making some small talk, creating some conversation maybe, but every single time I opened my mouth to speak, I found myself shutting it close almost immediately.
That was the effect she had on me.

There was evident tension in the air. We hadn't spoke in years, ending our friendship on very bad terms. And now, it seemed fate had brought us back together.
I had no idea she was working at my father's company until the day I showed up to take up the position of CEO. I was confused and wondered if it was some trap set by our fathers. Ever since then, our interactions were awkward as both of us tried keeping a very formal relationship, ignoring the fact that there was a lot to be spoken about.

We were both egoistic and stubborn, I knew that. And I intended to try as hard as I possibly could to avoid her even at work, but the moment I saw her standing in front of my apartment, there was something that sparked in me and softened my coldness towards her. I suddenly felt a little of the emotions I had been trying to hide and block out for years.

And it made me scared.

I was scared to the core. I didn't want to go down that lanr again. What she had made me feel in high school, was supposed to remain in high school. I couldn't allow myself to feel that way about her or anyone else again. I couldn't afford to let myself be that vulnerable again.

As I got up from my bed and headed to my kitchen to make some breakfast, I noticed a piece of jewelry on the floor. Squinting, I picked it up to scan it. It was a golden bracelet and It seemed damaged and unable to be worn again. It had her name written in Arabic.

I sighed, she must have probably damaged it when she had the bowl incident.

I took it my bedroom and threw it one of the drawers. Continuing with my line of thoughts, I swiftly made a decision. I knew what exactly I had to do even if it meant being selfish.

Because I couldn't stand getting hurt once more.

I took a deep breath and picked up my phone to dial a number.



Hissing, I got up from my prayer mat. I had dozed off a while after performing Fajr prayer and now, I realized I slept way too long and I was running late for work.

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