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                                HIS NIQABI GIRL


"Sir?" John my personal assistant asked, bringing me out of my reverie. We were currently in a meeting with a company we wanted partnering up with for business. However, I didn't realise that I hadn't responded to the questions that one of them had thrown at me until John brought my attention to it.

I blinked fast, multiple times. "Yes, like I said, we'll need a little time to discuss before getting back to you on that" I spoke.

The bald man nodded, standing up. His staff stood behind him as I rose from my sitting position as well.

"Alright then. Will be anticipating" he stated, offering me a handshake. I smiled tightly and nodded, shaking his hands briefly.

Once they were out of my office, I sighed.
I was trying so hard to focus but those thoughts kept lurking and distracting me.

Thoughts of her.

It was already afternoon and I yearned for the day to be over already just so I could go back to her. But for now, I needed to pay her a quick visit to her office. I tried so hard to see to staying away from her throughout the day but it was getting tougher as the time passed by.

I was about stepping out when John barged in, filling me with some details. As he did that, I flashed back to the previous day.
How I felt when I saw her face for the first time. Her shiny blonde hair, enchanting green eyes. She had those type of eyes that could persuade anyone into doing anything. Her full lips and her tall, curvy body figure...
She's so perfect.

"Sir, are you feeling alright today?" John asked.
Oop, I must have zoned out again.
I nodded. "Yes. I'm just weighing the pros and cons of the partnership. You may leave now, I'll call you when the need arises" I lied in an all too serious tone.

He didn't seem convinced but nonetheless nodded promptly and left.

I picked up my phone, scrolling through our wedding photos.
I smiled at the thought of us on the rooftop the previous day. That was the closest we'd ever been to each other. If only the rain hadn't begun falling...

I was really disappointed with myself that I couldn't take her across the world for a honeymoon because I was too busy, but I made sure to makeup for that. I didn't miss the glint of happiness in her enticing eyes as I showed her the mini art studio that I had set up for her. However, I missed how her smaller softer hand felt against mine, how I held onto it tightly and how right it just felt. It was as though her hand was made to fit perfectly into mine.

I sighed.
Focus Asaad.

But how was I supposed to think clearly when this woman consumed my thoughts. The way her lips felt when I brushed mine against them.

No, I needed to stop this madness. She probably had already even forgot about my existence as she was busy with work.

I picked up my phone, deciding to go check on her, hoping she hadn't left for the cafeteria yet. A few staff greeted me as I Walked passed them and made my way to her office. Once I was there, I knocked.
There was no answer by my third knock so I decided to open the door.

I was greeted by an empty office.


She was probably in the cafeteria and I couldn't go to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was meant for the other staff and not for the CEO. I could either order my meals or eat somewhere out.
But I wanted to see her.

You know you can call her right? That's why phone's exist.

I immediately dialed up her number.
She wasn't answering.
I called again, and again.
Still wasn't picking up.

His Niqabi Girl (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora