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"You don't seem alright" Rahma said, bringing me out of my reverie. I hadn't even realized that I zoned out until she spoke.

I offered her a warm smile. "Nothing to worry about, just take care of yourself"

It was already Wednesday, We were done with our work training and my colleagues were headed back to the hotel they were lodged in. I watched as Rahma sat into the car and shut the door close before they zoomed out of my sight.

I was supposed to wait in a cafe across the street where Yas and Aseeyah were coming to pick me up to show me around the beautiful city.
I was about to cross to the other side when someone spoke.

"Excuse me miss" it was an unfamiliar masculine voice.
I took in his tall appearance. I immediately suspected he was Somalian from his distinct looks.

"Hello..." I mumbled in a confused tone. I was trying to figure out why he had stopped me.

"You dropped this" he said, handing me my wallet which I had not realised had fallen.

"Ahh... you're so kind, thank you!" I beamed, taking it from his hands and shoving it into one of my coat's pockets.

"It's not a problem. I'm Ali, and you're?" He asked with a genuine smile.

"I'm Elham" I responded immediately.

"Well it's nice meeting you Elham. Are you new here? Sorry if I'm prying, you don't have to answer" He inquired.

I would normally not entertain a strange male's conversation especially to this length, but he was so kind to have returned my wallet, I felt the need to be nice enough in return especially since we were in public.

"It's alright. Yes I am, I'm actually on a business trip" I revealed as an older white woman walked passed our center.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that. Although I knew you were a traveller judging by your accent" he pointed out, flashing his teeth.

Suddenly, my instincts told me to end this conversation and walk away from this man. I was standing right in front of Asaad's company and if he spotted me speaking to a stranger, it would most likely not end well.

"Well it was nice meeting you Ali, thank you again" I spoke with a smile.

He mirrored my facial expression. "It's no problem. I hope to See you around!"

He soon walked away and I felt relieved as I crossed the street and stepped into the aesthetic cafe and I almost peed my pants when I locked eyes with my husband sitting across.

Do I run, hide, or smile?

I did not know what to do, what I did know was he looked like he could commit murder in that moment.

There was someone else seated with him at the table and I wondered if walking up to him would be a good idea but before I could speak, I heard giggles from behind me and I turned to find my sisters in law walking in.
It seemed like they were too engrossed in their discussion to realise I was standing right in front of them but I was glad that they showed up in perfect timing to save me from the awkward situation I had previously found myself in.

"Hi?" I said, waving in their faces, causing them both to giggle again.

"Elham, How did we miss you?" Aseeyah asked, startled as we headed to find a table.

"Asaad is here too? Did you two come together?" Yas asked me as we took our seats.

"No, I actually just saw him too" I responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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