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                                 HIS NIQABI GIRL


Was he eavesdropping on my conversation with my friends? I couldn't help but keep asking myself this question. I was more curious as to whether he had overheard what I said about him. Did it make him feel bad in anyway?
I shook my head, Asaad hated me. Probably more than I hated him. He couldn't have felt bad at my words.
Sighing, I stood up from the ground, rolling my prayer mat. I had dozed off on it in the middle of the night after my Istikhara Salaah.

The cool morning breeze blew into my room as the curtains swayed lightly. The sun was not up and it seemed like it was going to be a cloudy day.
It was Saturday, and my heart bit a little faster whenever I remembered that I had to give my father a response by the next day.

But what was Asaad's response? I was eager to know.

I didn't want to say yes and end up being rejected by him. If anything, I was sure he despised the idea more than I did.

I decided to make some breakfast as it had been a while since I did that. It didn't seem like Ummi was up and I realised we hadn't been spending a lot of time together lately, with the both of us being preoccupied with work.

"It'll probably rain cats and dogs today" I heard Ummi's voice say. She was referring to me cooking.
At the thought of it, I glanced at my toe which was now completely healed.

"Good morning Ummi. How are you today?" I asked her as I chopped some onions.

She smiled. "Alhamdulillah"

There was an uncomfortable silence afterwards.

"Your father told me about the whole Asaad situation. I hope you don't feel pressured? You know you do not have to agree right?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes Ummi, I know that. You have nothing to worry about" I assured her. However, she still seemed tense.

"I just do not want you making a decision that you would end up regretting. I only joke when I say you need to get a husband. Please do not feel the pressure to get married"

My heart softened at her words. "Of course! I know you would miss me so bad once I get married"
"Also, I need to tell you something" I said.

She raised both of her eyebrows inquisitively.

"So there's this other guy I met like a week ago. We've spoken a bit here and there. And then yesterday, he asked if I wanted to get married to him. It was totally out of the blues"  I said to her. She waited for a sign from me to prove that I was joking, but she gave up once she realised I was serious.

I gave her the full gist and told her everything I knew about him.
"The problem now is, I'm confused as to who's the better choice honestly. Or maybe they're both not even good choices" I muttered.

She laughed. "I understand why you are bothered. I was in a similar situation trying to pick between your father and one of my cousins back then in India. My only regret is I never asked Allah for his guidance. Which is what I believe you must do" Ummi said.

I nodded, stirring the vegetables in the hot pan. "Did that overnight. Waiting for a sign. I'm just really nervous" I admitted.

"Why? Nervous about not ending up with Asaad?" She teased me.

I blushed hard.

"Ummi!" I whined, causing her to erupt in laughter.

But her words rang in my head throughout the weekend.
Was that why I was so bothered?

His Niqabi Girl (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now