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                                 HIS NIQABI GIRL


When people say they feel and share a certain 'connection' with someone, what exactly do they mean? Why did people feel this, how did they know when it was a special type of connection? Most importantly, did it feel like torture?
Because that was exactly how I felt.

It was long due and I had to admit it to myself. Asaad and I shared a connection. A special type of connection. But, I couldn't figure out what exactly it was. What I did know though, was whatever we shared was toxic and unhealthy for the both of us. One person was always hurting the other and it felt like we were going in circles.

But we shared a connection. It was just the type one couldn't exactly explain.

Pretty much complicated.

And I was trying so hard to get rid of it.

"Are you not gonna eat that?" Aisha, one of my work colleagues asked me.
I was quite lost in my thoughts.

As usual.

"Oh, yeah" I mumbled, picking up the fork. We were all currently seated at the office cafeteria.

Everyone's plates were empty yet mine was sitting untouched.

"Damn, are you alright?" The other asked me.

"Mhmm" I responded with a fake smile.

"I'm so excited for the work trip. Plus, I've never been to England before" Rahmah stated, grinning.

"Same here. The best part is we get two extra days after we're done with the work to just explore London before we come back" Aisha said smiling.

There was a work trip fast approaching and we were leaving by Sunday. We were going to be spending a week away and this contributed to my anxiety greatly.
It was basically for the five directors, our assistants, and the CEO.

Interesting right?

Except I was going to have to spend a week trying to avoid my husband more than ever. I couldn't let any of the other staff sense anything between Asaad and I. We still hadn't let the cat out of the bag regarding our marriage yet and I genuinely wished it could go on for longer.

"That's if Mr Grumpy is in a good mood. Or else, we may have to work throughout" Latifa suggested.

Mr Grumpy.

Rahma glanced at me at the mention of the nickname they had giving him.

I smiled. "Right. We'll all have to try extra hard not to step on his toes then" I chipped in.

Aisha nodded. "Absolutely. We must do just that. Can't risking not having some fun in London!"

"I already have everything planned out. It's like an entire vacation as far as I'm concerned" Latifah stated.

I chewed on my food quietly after that, as my thoughts drifted back to Asaad. After what had happened the other night, we had barely spoken a word to ourselves. Interestingly, He was now the one sleeping in the guest room while I slept in our bedroom. That was mostly because when I walked out of the room after the argument, I headed to our bedroom and locked the door. He hadn't stepped in since then, not even to pick a fresh set of clothes from his closet. It seemed like he had deliberately purchased a few new tuxedos to wear just to avoid coming into the room.

It was Friday and I was quite eager to close off from work and head to my best friend's house. I needed to talk to her, I needed to let it all out and feel some relief.

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