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It was friday already and I was on a lunch break. I had previously been seating alone until Rayyan joined me. He had called me the night before asking if we could meet up for lunch. Apparently, he had been out of town for some time and that was why I hadn't seen him around for a while.

We were getting to know each other. Over the past thirty minutes, I learned that his favorite color was green, he was a huge soccer fan and a Quran Hafiz. He also had 12 sisters and was the only male child. He loved dogs and was 29 years old. That was about five to six years older than I was.

I genuinely enjoyed his company although we didn't have too much in common. And it seemed to me that he enjoyed mine too, unless he was faking it. I was curious to see where this would head. However, anytime I remembered that I had to make a decision regarding whether or not to get married to my arrogant boss, I felt a tight not in my chest.
I had prayed to Allah and asked for a sign that would aid me in making the decision that was best for me. Yet, I still hadn't received a sign yet and it was almost a week now.

"So I've been meaning to ask you something?" Rayyan said, with his wide smile.

I nodded, signalling him to continue.

He took a deep breath in and out before proceeding. "For a while now, I've observed you around and getting to know you a little now, My instincts were right. You're an amazing woman. I'd really like for us to get closer and I was wondering if we could make things official? This may sound so sudden but I've been considering setting down for good for a while now. Elham, will you like to marry me?" He asked.

Evidently shocked, I blinked hard.

Never in a million years did I expect that. Of course, we were getting to know each other to see if we could make things proper, but this was way too sudden and unexpected.

"I know this is all so sudden. However, I'd just like us to do things as soon as possible, the most halal way. I understand that you may not be able to give me an answer now, so I'll give you some time to think about it" he finished.

I simply nodded because I was at a loss of words.

The atmosphere fell quiet afterwards.

"Text you later then?" Rayyan asked, bringing me out of my reverie.
I blinked twice, trying to zone back into reality before mumbling a 'Sure' and hoping he did not notice my change in mood.

Rayyan had paid for my meal which I found pretty uncomfortable but I thanked him nonetheless.

Eventually, we went our separate ways as I headed back to work.

The day went by pretty quickly. However, I was pretty much determined to finish up my work for the week so I wouldn't have to carry it over to the next. Due to this, I had informed them at home that I'd be back late because I was going to work over time.
I knew though that the reason I was working so hard was because I needed something to get my mind off the events of the past one week.
My dad's proposal and now, Rayyan's. Ironically, I had been yearning to get married for a while now, so why did it all feel too sudden and scary.

Yawning, I decided to call my best friend. It was a few minutes passed 8pm and I had prayed my maghrib Salaah a while earlier. To my surprise, a few of my other colleagues were also around, working overtime. I heard a couple of chatters and laughters coming from their offices too , and I couldn't help but wonder if I was isolating myself a bit too much from them.
I mean, apart from Rahma, I barely spoke to any of them or even knew their names.
Sighing, I made a mental note to work on that.

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