Chapter 22

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Everyone was agape in shock at the sight of a new, and uninvited, guest.

"Hmm, I assume it's about Leonard's daughter?" He said.

"You are correct in your guess, great mage." The queen said. Wait—

"He's the great mage?!" Kian exclaimed, completing my thoughts.

"Yes, I am. I suppose you still have the necklace with you?" The great mage questioned while looking at me. I nodded in response as I showed him the necklace hidden under my dress.

"Gabriel, what is the necklace for?" The king asked.

"It's for its purpose." Saying that, the king glared at the great mage for the vague answer.

"Don't worry, it will not do her harm." The great mage sighed at having to elaborate that. Well, I doubt the great mage is stupid enough to try to harm a grand duke's daughter...

"It seems you've already met the prodigy." Marshal Henry commented.

"Well, of course! However, why do you consider her a prodigy?" The great mage asked with an unusually amused tone.


"Is it because she managed to defeat the infamous 'Bloodlusted Sword' in a duel?" The great mage replied, mentioning Henry's battle name.

Some of the people grew expressions of surprise at his words. Ah, I forgot that not all people knew of my recent feat. I can feel myself wallowing in pride! Since when did I have such arrogance...?!

"Updated as always... it's embarrassing to admit I lost to a child." The marshal sighed, seemingly in humiliation. I can feel my face morphing to a deadpan expression. Atleast try to hide you contempt a little. It wouldn't hurt much, you know?

"But she is talented, is she not?" The great mage asked.

"...That's true. She's not just talented, she's skilled as well." The marshal muttered under his breath. Oh, seriously? He's not trash talking me, right?

"Little sister, what even is trash talking anyway...?" Kian questioned with a confused look on his face. I muttered my thoughts out loud again...

"Anyway, Gabriel. Assuming you've been listening to our conversation, are you willing to take her as your disciple?" The king asked with a serious tone.

"Huh? Who said I'd agree to that?" The great mage replied, seemingly threatening him with his words.

"Gabriel, please. This is for Herreia. For our kingdom. I know you're well aware of her potential to become an invaluable asset to us." The king explained. I've gotten most of the gist now, thanks to their ramblings. Basically, the king wants to use me as a tool. The thought of being taken advantage of irks me to no end.

"Seriously, Bernard.... have you even asked for the child's opinion?" The chancellor asked, turning to me.

"Ah, yes. Willow Von Everett, what is your answer to my offer?" He looked me in the eyes, anticipating a good answer.

"I... I'll think of it in a positive light." I smiled at him, giving an unsure answer.

"Well, now that I think about it... She does have the potential to be the one the prophecy speaks of—"

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