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[Luca POV]

After my first shift, I went to sleep. I was tired, and I wasn't used to so much stimulation throughout the day. The next morning, neither of us was scheduled. Which makes sense considering me and Jacob are gonna have the same work hours. So that morning, I was clingy and little. I was feeling nonverbal, but Dady wasn't able to figure out what I wanted. And right now, I was really hungry, but I was still picky.
"I know you want a snack. Baby, if you want something specific, you have to tell me," He said. I didn't feel like I could. Every time I opened my mouth to talk, I couldn't force any words to form. I just wanted dry cereal, no milk cus I was gonna eat it with my hands, and I didn't know the sign for it. So I tried to fingerspell it out.
"Hold on, baby. Show me again," He said, changing his tone to be more gentle. I carefully signed out 'c-e-r-e-a-l', and he seemed to have gotten the memo. When he opened the fridge, I pulled on his arm to try and get his attention.
"You don't want milk?" He asked. I shook my head, making him sigh but shut the door. He put it in a cup, and I made myself be okay with it cause it's not got milk, so it doesn't have to be in a bowl.

Dady put on a baby show for me, so I sat in his lap and slowly ate my fruit loops until he told me he needed to shower. As he tried to get up, I clung onto his arms.
"Bubba, can you watch your show while Dady showers? Please, baby. I love you, but sometimes Dady needs space," He requested. I was excited, but I nodded and sat next to him instead.
"Oh, thank you. My precious baby. You listen so good for Dady," He praised me, instantly changing my attitude. I grinned and let him go get what he needed for his shower. I continued to watch the show until I heard Dady come back.
"Up!?" I hopefully asked. I was feeling better now. I just didn't want to talk a lot, but I could make myself now.

Before he had a chance to say yes or no, someone knocked. There's almost never a good outcome when someone knocks on our door.
"You're okay, baby," He reassured me before going to open the door. I followed behind him and peeked out at who it was when Dady opened. The door. It was my momma.
"Hi?" Jacob asked.
"Hi. Give me my kid," She demanded.
"Momma," I tried to step in, but she shut me down instantly.
"Get your ass out here," She demanded.
"It's okay," I reassured Jacob, stepping around him and into the hallway of the apartments.
Jacob didn't shut the door, just stood against the doorframe, but Momma didn't care. At all.

[Guys, TW for sh and like holding it over someone. Idk what to actually call that, but u get the idea,]

She stood there and yelled at me for a few minutes before looking me in my eyes. She yanked up her left sleeve and flaunted the cuts that looked self-made. What? Why would she do that?
"Look at what the hell you make me do when you ignore me! You dodge all my calls, you call me names -" She continued on, but I was staring at her in shock. My breathing pace quickened as she continued to yell, but I couldn't stop. I started crying and begging her to stop when Dady hurried outside to the hallway and pulled me away, covering my eyes by gently holding my head against his chest. I blocked my ears as hard as I could, so I couldn't hear anything. But I could hear what she screamed at the top of her lungs before she walked stormed away.
"Fucking kill yourself you cunt!!" Momma yelled. I cried and didn't fight it when Dady picked me up to carry me inside.
"Hold... hold," I sobbed as he shut the front door. He didn't respond.
"No!" I shouted when he tried to lay me down.
"Shhh, baby. Dady's here," He told me. I hung onto Dady regardless of what he told me about him not leaving me. I continued to cry to myself after he walked away, coming back with his phone.

The next day, when I went to work with Jacob, I wasn't exactly in a good mood. I wasn't crying anymore, but I definitely wasn't happy. I wore a black long-sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans, and my hair just pulled back into a ponytail. I didn't wanna get dressed this morning, so there was no chance I'd try to deal with my hair.
"Luca, can you cover Jane's section while she's on break? Thomas can't cause he sprained his wrist," Calvin asked when he came up to me. I silently nodded and went to go find my order book and everything so I could actually wait on people.
When I found everything I needed and put it on, I went to go see the table had Thomas just seated in Jane's section
I was about halfway through the order for drinks when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. Not like a message, a call.
"I'm so sorry, guys. I forgot to put it on silent. What were you wanting?" I apologized and let them give me the last two drink requests before I went to go pour them. My phone stopped buzzing by the time I had all of the cups filled, so I forgot to see who called me. I had just turned the vibration off.

I gave them their receit, and since there wasn't anyone else seated where I had taken over, I started clearing their table. I hate cleaning sauces. I don't know why specifically those gross me out the worst. But there weren't any, so I went ahead and just did it. I put the dishes in the sink in the kitchen, and Jane came back in, telling me to go see what Calvin needed me to do now. I felt really awkward, but I went to go ask anyway.
"Can you clean tables and sweep?" He asked. I quickly agreed and grabbed cleaner and wash-rags, deciding to just sweep after.

I was bent over a table, scrubbing it to make sure it was actually clean when I heard Jacob walk up behind me and tell me he was gonna go on break. Before I could stand up and respond in any way, he pressed up against me. I stood up as straight as I could, being wedged between my boyfriend and a table, and tilted my head back to look at him.
"I love you," I reminded him as he kissed my head.
"I love you too, Baby," He mumbled, pulling away and walking out to the truck. I finished scrubbing my last table and went to go put everything back, then to go grab the broom.
I swept the whole section I was in, one of the empty ones, and dumped the dust pan out before putting it back in the kitchen.
"Luca, go wait that table," Calvin told me. I sighed quietly but went to do what he told me to. I still had my apron and everything.
"Hi, I'm Luca. I'm gonna be your server today. Can I get you guys' drinks?" I asked, focusing on making sure I didn't sound like I had an attitude.

At some point, one of them women asked why it was taking so long for their food to come out.
"Oh, um, I don't know. I-I can go double-check. Sometimes I forget to put stuff in," I explained.
"Well, bless your heart," She said, and I took it as her being nice. But as I went to go check with the kitchen, Jacob had apparently gotten back from break and grabbed my arm.
"Baby, you know they were being mean. Right?" He told me.
"Huh? But she sounded nice," I said, confused.
"It's supposed to be condescending," He explained before telling me it was fine and that he just wanted to tell me.
"Oh..." I mumbled, a little embarrassed.
"Whenever they get checked out, Calvin needs you to go host again," He told me. I pouted a little cause I kept having to go do different things, but I told myself that's just how working goes.

I did put the order in, but the kitchen just read the ticket wrong and had to remake it. So I went to go tell the table, but they were in the middle of a heated discussion, so I chose not to. Until she called me over. Fuck I am not in the mood for this. Their argument was over who was paying for what on the bill. I had to stand there for 12 minutes until they decided what the decision was about who paid for what. She made me stand there for the entirety of their discussion, so by the time I had split all the checks like how they wanted, I was overwhelmed and was struggling to continue functioning like normal. I really didn't want to have to talk to anyone.

I didn't get that. I know it's part of my job, but I'm just saying I had to deal with a lot of people. I want to go home and actually be able to regulate myself. And eat, cause fuck I'm starving. That didn't happen either. So when me and Jacob clocked out, I wasn't in the best mood.
"You look really pretty today," Jacob complimented me as he walked with me to he truck. I thanked him and silently rode home, slipping deeper into my regression the longer the car ride was.
"Hold me...." I whined when I was inside.
"Baby, you gotta eat first," He told me. I huffed and stomped, needing to be held. I didn't feel hungry anymore, I waited too long.
"No!" I shouted, pouting. My lip quivered as I felt tears in my eyes. Of course, I'm being mean, and I'm crying. God, I hate me.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" Dady shouted back. I didn't know what else to do, so I started crying.
"Jeez, don't start now," Dady groaned. I couldn't help it. Dady's gonna be mad at me for crying.
"Fine, don't eat. I don't care. Why should I care?" He gave up, sitting on the couch and turning something on. I knew it. I sunk down onto the tile floor in the kitchen and cried. My face pressed against the cold tile and my hair sticking to my face from the tears.

"I'm going to my mom's, I can not handle you crying like this over nothing," Jacob announced like 10 minutes later. I quickly stood up, staggering a little at first before following him to the front door.
"Please don' go! Dady! I'll stop! I'll be good! Just don leave me," I begged, grabbing his arm to try and convince him to stay.
"Don't grab me," He exclaimed, pushing me. I fell against the coffee table, my thigh aching where I hit.
"Dady," I cried, collapsing to the ground. He left and slammed the door behind him. When he left, I purposefully slammed my head back against the coffee table.
"Dady..." I whimpered. I shut my eyes and could only imagine self harming. I don't wanna be sad anymore. I want him here.

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