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[Filler chapter, tbh guys]

The next morning, I got dressed for work while Jacob drove Mason to his girlfriend's house since Jacon can be ready in like 5 minutes. I was wearing low-rise jeans that my mom gave me and a form-fitting, dark green longsleeve cause it's getting pretty cold out. I yawned and started brushing my hair, deciding to just put it in a ponytail. I dug around for a while, trying to find any socks I wouldn't mind wearing. It took a while, but I did.

By the time Jacob walked in through the front door, I had just finished brushing my teeth and now only had to wait for Jacob to be ready. After a little while, he told me to go out and start the truck, then turn on the heat. So I did. I walked out to the parking lot, unlocked the truck, and climbed up so I could reach the ignition. I stood on the side bars and stuck in the key, turning it before flipping the heat on. I was shivering throughout the entirety of being outside, so the second it was on, I shut the door and ran back inside. I just stood by the door that goes to the parking lot. Jacob was already coming downstairs.
"Is it cold, baby?" He asked, handing me a hoodie of his. I nodded a lot and threw it on, thankful he remembered one when I didn't. I just really hope the restaurant isn't cold cus the hoodie isn't in the dress code.

I was. It felt only a few degrees warmer than outside, and I'm pretty sure that was because it's windy right now. Regardless, today, I was supposed to only be hosting. But Calvin wanted me to cover Thomas' normal section when he clocked in today. I didn't argue. Maybe if I'm actually moving around, it won't feel as cold. As I was running plates to the only table I had, I got seated with another group. There were maybe 6 or 7 people, and I only had one other table, so I convinced myself to look at the bright side of things. If I do really good, maybe I can get a decent tip.
"Hey guys, I'm Luca. I'll be your server today. Before I ask for drinks, we don't have anything alcoholic right now," I said. Jane isn't clocked in yet, and she's the only one allowed behind the bar since Kaylee quit a while ago. So I really can't pour anything other than fountain drinks until her shift starts.

Over the course of me waiting on them, I found out one of them was a fire fighter, and his name was Greg. Today was his birthday, according to his friends, so Calvin made sure I told them they could have a free dessert.
"And since it's a birthday, I just wanted to tell you guys that if you got a dessert, it would be on us. Um, so I can get you guys refills on drinks and let you decide," I said, picking up the empty glasses to go get new ones. Long story short, after I split up all the checks how they wanted and everything had been paid, I took back the copies of the receipts. It had the firefighters' phone number. I also got like 60 dollars in tips from that just one table. I was in a hell of a lot better mood that I had been before with my tables the rest of the day. Which is saying a lot considering I was already in an okay mood.

When another server clocked in, Calvin sent me to go host again since Thomas clocked out a little while ago. He's only working part-time because he's a junior. Either way, while I was waiting for anyone to come in and need to be seated, Jacob walked by the front area.
"Jacob!" I called, getting his attention. He looked to make sure Calvin wasn't about to get onto him for not working before walking back over to me.
"I got tipped 60 fucking dollars. And he gave me his number. What do I do? Cause like he tipped me a bunch, but I also don't wanna lead him on," I explained. I'd been thinking about this for over an hour now, and I still haven't decided.
"Did he write anything other than just his number?" He asked.
"He said to call him, but that was it," I answered.
"Ummm... We can call him when we get off and see what he wants. It sounds like he'd wanna hook up, though," Jacob decided. I agreed with him since I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do and let him actually go do his job. I don't know if it's just me, but he seemed a little mad. And that's all I could think of my entire shift.

At 7:30, I clocked out and followed Jacob to the truck. I climbed in, giving him my phone and the receit so he could dial the number.
"Do I gotta talk?" I asked, hoping he said no.
"I mean, he doesn't know me. He didn't give me his number," He replied. So yes. I frowned a little and pulled the hood of Jacob's hoodie over my head. I don't know why, but I like it better when I have the hood on.
"Just tell him that he gave you his number and said to call him. Then ask what he wants if he doesn't tell you," Jacob told me, handing me my cellphone as it rang. I reached over and held his hand and waited for it to pick up.

"Hey. Is this the waiter?" Greg asked.
"Yeah. I just figured I'd call you since you said to," I explained, trying not to make myself panic.
"Well, do you think I could take you out sometime?" He asked. I instantly whipped my head over to look at my boyfriend. He didn't tell me anything, just was watching my phone.
"I mean, I've got a boyfriend," I mentioned, trying to passively get him to back off.
"I guess I'll back off. Well, I'll let you go then," He sighed. I told him bye before hanging up and setting my phone down.

He didn't talk to me the rest of the drive home, which already upset me. I don't think I did anything wrong this time. When we got home, he didn't say anything either.
"Are you mad at me...?" I quietly asked.
"No. Baby, I just don't like it when guys hit on you. It makes me feel jealous," He sighed, pulling me into his lap.
"I'm sorry... What can I do 'bout it?" I softly asked.
"I know it's not your fault they hit on you. And I know you aren't interested in them. I don't blame you, Bubba. I just feel insecure when it happens..." He explained, rubbing my head.
"Do you want me to cuddle you and stuff after it happens? Cus, I really only love you," I suggested.
"Yeah, that would be good," He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me.

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