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[Luca POV]

Today and tomorrow were both off, but both of us had to cash a check. I was personally really excited that I got a pretty high paycheck, at least compared to what I'm used to. I make, just out of hourly wages, $10.50 an hour. And I worked 36 hours both weeks. And since we get paid every 2 weeks instead of one, I got $756 before taxes. After taxes, I made $576. And that isn't including tips! And even better, most of my tips are cash, so I don't get taxed on them. After mine was put into my checking account, and so was Jacob's, I was told his mom wanted us both to come over. Just for dinner. So I obviously agreed. His family is so nice to me, and I'm obviously super grateful for it. Cause I know how my family acts when I start dating anyone.
"Can I at least change? I wore these jeans last night," I asked, climbing into his truck.
"Baby, you'll be okay. Jeans are one of the very few pants you can wear more than one day in a row," He reassured me, getting in on his side.
"If you say so..." I mumbled.

We got there, and his mom practically ran out to me the second I hopped down from the truck.
"Hi, Luca! Are you hungry? Cause I made dinner," She greeted me.
"Hi," I quietly said, smiling at her. I'm happy to be here, I'm just also not good socially.
"Mason's girlfriend is here, so be nice," She warned Jacob, turning to look at him after letting me go. I followed them both inside and saw a little baby sitting on a girl's lap. He was giggling and pulling at Mason's hair. The baby was actually probably 1 ½ or 2, but still. I sat down across from them, next to Jacob, and watched Jacob pick up a deck of cards.
"Do you wanna play?" He asked both Mason and his girlfriend.
"Sure," Mason said while trying to pry the baby's fingers out of his hair, making me laugh a little.
"Oh, that's Callie, by the way. And that's Jack," Mason introduced to us, finally getting the little kids' hands off his head.
"You can play too, Callie. I can teach you," Mason offered. So I sat and watched, mostly looking at Jacob's hand. Granted, I was confused for most of the game, but that's why I don't play. At some point, Callie had to pull a playing card away from Jack, making him start crying.

When Jack struggled to get down from her lap, she sighed and set him on his feet, watching him run to the other side of the table.
"He's a little dramatic," She commented, making Jacob smile.
"So is this one," He commented, gesturing over to me. I wasn't paying attention to him. I was watching the child toddle over to me, reaching up and holding onto my leg.
"You can pick him up," Callie permitted when I looked between her and the kid. So, I gently lifted Jack up by his underarms, sitting him on my lap and gently bouncing him. We all know I'm not great with kids, so when he calmed down and held onto me, it made me feel happy.
He eventually stood in my lap and started grabbing onto my hair, but I didn't really mind. I think the red in it is also contributing to how fascinated he is with it.

"Luca, what do you want to drink?" Jacob's mom, whose name I finally found out was Tara, asked.
"Oh, anything is okay," I reassured her, holding Jack's torso as he yanked my hair.
"You want Sprite?" She asked. I just said yes cause I really didn't mind what she gave me. The couple hours we were there were mostly made up of playing cards and eating dinner. I tried to eat most of it to be nice, but I felt sick afterward. Don't get me wrong, it was really good. I just ate too much and felt gross after we left. I hugged his mom goodbye and said I'd see all of them later, only to fall asleep in the car ride home. I guess baby fever is setting in again because my dream was that I had a baby, and she was so cute. We were out playing in puddles, me, her, and Jacob, and she was wearing little rain boots with frogs on them. I was in the middle of kissing her cheek when Jacob shook me awake.
Safe to say, I wasn't in a great mood after he did. I felt really attatched to her for some reason. Like, rationally, I knew it was a dream, and I didn't have a child taken from me. But it still felt real to me, so it hurt.

[Jacob POV]

"Why are you crying, baby? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked after shaking Luca awake in my truck. We were home, and he wasn't little when he went to sleep, so I didn't think he'd beg for me to carry him in. But after I woke him, he started crying. He shook his head in response to my question, confusing me.
"What's wrong then?" I softly asked.
"Had a baby," He cried.
"Huh?" I asked, seriously unable to understand what he was talking about.
"Deamt 'bout a baby," He tried to explain, unbuckling himself.
"You had a dream you had a baby?" I clarified. He nodded and rubbed his eyes, sniffling and trying to calm down. I pulled him into my lap, rubbing his back.
"We don't need another baby. You're my baby already," I said. It helped a little, so I sighed and slid out of my truck with him in my arms. I carried him inside while trying to find a way to soothe him.

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