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[Jacob POV]

When we got to my mom's house, Luca got out and quickly hugged my mom. I think it's great that she likes Luca.
"What's the 'big news' you wanted to tell me?" She asked as she pulled away. Instead of giving her a verbal answer, I grabbed my fiancé's hand and showed her the ring.
"Are you serious!?" She shouted, smiling and grabbing his hand.
"Yeah, we just got it sized down today so that it fit a little better," I said.
"Jack, you should've told me! I would've gotten y'all somethin'!" She scolded me. She sighed and let go of Luca's hand.
"I'm just gonna have to make dinner for y'all until I get you both something to celebrate," Mom sighed before leading us inside.
"What are you doing back home?" Mason eventually asked me.
"I told Mom I proposed," I answered as I loaded my fork with a good bite.
"Please tell me you said no to him," Mason begged Luca, sitting down next to me and making Luca laugh a little.

After dinner, Mom still had Halloween candy leftover, but it was mostly the carmel apple suckers. She told me and Luca to eat however many we wanted cause she 'needed to get it fucking gone before Christmas,'.
"Jacob, you should drive me to my girlfriend's house tomorrow," Mason informed me.
"Yeah? Says who?" I asked, opening the plastic off one of the suckers for Luca.
"Jesus," He confidently said, catching me off guard and making me smile.
"I guess I will. You're gonna have to come to the apartment with us and spend the night cause I am not driving back down here before work," I warned him.
"God, I don't wanna work tomorrow," Luca whined.
"Did I remind you?" I asked, handing him the candy as he nodded.
"Talking to so many people makes me wanna blow my brains out," He commented, setting his head on the table. "Not seriously," He added before I could get concerned.

While we waited for Mason to get all his stuff he needed, I could see Luca getting grumpy. He was tired and told me multiple times that he wanted to hold me.
"Hold?" He asked as my mom went to go get ready for bed.
"Not right now. Later," I answered. I saw him physically fight the urge to throw a fit, watching him resort to holding my hand a little hard.
"Thank you, baby," I mumbled as Mason came out of his room with an overnight bag.

The car ride to the apartment, Luca sat on the outside, closest to the passenger door. And he fell asleep. When I carried him in, he kept biting me. But he wasn't awake. I don't know what the fuck he's dreaming about, but he's biting someone. Luca was sound asleep until I laid him down on the bed in our room. Mason had already layed down on the couch since it's sorta late. The second his head his the mattress, he startled awake.
"Dady!" He whined, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm here, baby," I softly reassured him.
"You need pajamas," I reminded him, picking up PJ pants and one of my hoodies that was probably 3 sizes too big. Getting the hoodie on him wasn't the problem. It was the pants.
"Baby, let me put your PJs on," I instructed him after I stripped his jeans off him.
"Noo," He whined, pouting at me. I sighed and tossed them on the ground before laying down with him. Fine, if he doesn't want pants, I'm not forcing him to wear pants.
"I loves you," He reminded me as I pulled him close to me. I kissed the top of his head and told him I loved him too.

That morning, I woke up because I had a phone call at 6 in the fucking morning.
"Hello?" I groggily asked, rubbing my eyes.
"Jacob, I accidentally scheduled more people than we needed, so we don't need either of u to come in today. You're welcome," He explained.
"Mmm. Ya, thanks," I mumbled, trying to wake up. I stretched and stood up, pulling my shirt off so I was just in sweatpants and socks.

It took Luca a couple of hours to wake up, so I made breakfast and got my morning hygiene done. In the middle of drying my face after washing it, Mason stopped by the bathroom door.
"Why aren't you at work? It's like 8," He asked.
"Calvin called and told me that he's over-staffed for one in his fucking life," I explained.
"You'll still take me to see Callie, right?" He asked. I imagine that the only reason he started talking to me was so he could ask that question.
"Yeah. I'm gonna find something for me and Luca to do afterward," I confirmed. Before he could thank me, Luca wobbly made his way to the bathroom, just to hang onto me.
"Time?" He asked me, rubbing his face against my side. I can't tell if he's just trying to wake up or if he's little.
"8:07. We got called off today, so we don't gotta go in to work," I answered. He looked at me confused but didn't ask me anyithing else.

"You need to go eat breakfast," I reminded him after Mason went to go text Callie.
"Not hungry," He told me before biting my arm.
"Luca, we gotta stop skipping meals. Go try and eat something," I said, making him pout. He reluctantly stopped and went to the kitchen. I heard him getting a bowl down, so I figured he found something to make. Then I heard something break. Did it frustrate me that he broke another dish. Yes, but I tried my best not to hold it against him. I groaned and shut the bathroom door behind me as I went to the kitchen.
"Luca, what the hell did you do!?" I asked, grabbing the broom.

[Luca POV]

I woke up, and I just felt an impending sense of doom. Like something bad was gonna happen. I really didn't wanna talk, and I was getting over stimulated even easier than normal. Jacob's hoodie had a tag that kept poking me. My hair kept getting in my face, and when I put it up, there was a piece I couldn't find that was hurting. Everything sounded loud. It was too bright. It felt like I could feel my bones, especially when I bent my elbows. The feeling that something bad is gonna happen isn't about anything specific. It just would be something bad. My body feels it. My heart is racing, I'm shaking, I can't stop thinking. I feel like I'm going crazy! And when Jacob told me to get breakfast, I wasn't paying attention to anything around me. I accidentally knocked a ceramic cup from the cabinet while grabbing a bowl. Jacob came in, and his steps were already too loud for me. Fuck, he's mad at me.

"Luca, what the hell did you do!?" He loudly asked.
"Don't yell!" I cried, covering my ears. Dammit, I don't like this. I know I messed up and broke something, but I don't like it when I get yelled at. Especially when it's Jacob or my Momma. I cried to myself and shut my eyes, trying to avoid what Justin explained as an 'autistic meltdown'. He said it's when I get so overwhelmed that I have no other coping mechanism than to have a freakout. For me, it normally entails screaming and crying. And then afterward feeling really bad about what I did. I didn't hear him yell at me anymore, but I kept my hands over my ears and my eyes shut.

I stood still for a little while until I assumed Jacob gently grabbed my arm. I shook my head at him and tried to pull away.
"No!" I exclaimed, opening my eyes. Jacob let go and dropped his shoulders. He looked tired of me, but I really didn't wanna be touched. He had swept all the glass up. I had my hands clasped over my ears so hard that they started ringing. I saw him say something about driving Mason and being back in a little bit. When he left with Mason, he turned the lights in the kitchen and living room off. It was a whole lot better than when they were on. So I cautiously uncovered my ears and just breathed.

I cuddled with Oliver in the dark on the couch the entire time Jacob was gone. I ended up cutting the tag out of my hoodie, and after laying silently for a while, I felt a lot better. I could think and wasn't upset anymore. I just felt embarrassed that I acted like that. When Jacob got home, he didn't turn the light on.
"Do you feel a little better?" He softly asked. I nodded and chewed on my fingers.
"Can I hold you now?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch and making me feel little. I sat up and crawled into his lap, feeling completely non-verbal.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," He apologized, kissing my head. I signed that I loved him, so he knew I wasn't mad.

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