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KINDACHI, ONCE HE had settled down, took a closer look at the uniform Walter was wearing, realizing that it belonged to the Karasuno High School volleyball team.

"Karasuno High School's Volleyball Club?" His expression swiftly altered, becoming surprised and filled with disbelief as he asked if Walter had joined the team.

"You joined? So you're the one we're up against?" He then inquired if Walter was the player that his team would be up against during the upcoming encounter.

This reaction from Kindachi prompted his teammate to ask why he appeared so agitated and concerned, especially upon recognizing Walter.

Kindachi seemed reluctant to respond to Walter's greeting in kind, likely due to his uncertainty and disbelief.

As if attempting to explain or rationalize his surprise, he exclaimed,

"I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Walter, however, responded differently and greeted Kindachi with a smile, showcasing a positive and welcoming attitude despite the latter's unexpected reaction.

"You were a former player for Kitagawa, right? Huh. I swear your hairstyle looks familiar. It's like we were just playing the game yesterday!"

Kindachi, seemingly realizing that his hairstyle was a defining feature people used to recognize him, wondered aloud if his hair was the only aspect he remembered.

Walter then continued by acknowledging the familiar feeling he experienced upon witnessing Kindaichi hairstyle.

"Don't be arrogant; there's no way you can defeat us in this practice game!"

At Kindachi's comment that Walter would not achieve victory against his team, the latter replied with a confident retort, asserting that they had no chance of defeating him in an upcoming practice match.

Kindachi expressed his anger and irritation while looking at Walter directly, implying that he was certain that his team would secure the win. Kindachi swiftly excused himself and departed, leaving Walter and Hinata behind.

Hinata, who was now in a better mental state after his visit to the bathroom, attempted to query Walter about what had occurred when they were separated.

The latter simply deemed it an unimportant encounter and responded with a vague reply that it was simply two "boring people," instructing Hinata to focus on their training drills instead.

Once the signal was given, both teams formed their respective rows facing each other, ready to commence their heated practice match.

As the two teams took their positions, a faint noise of discussion emerged from the Aoba Johsai side, indicating that a strategy was being laid out or a game plan was being devised.

The two teams observed each other's formations with great intensity and strategic analysis.

"Wow! Is that Kageyama-san? I didn't realize he really went to Karasuno!"

The athletes from Aoba Johsai expressed their surprise and recognition when they noticed Kageyama in the lineup.

"Hey, look at that guy; he looks familiar."

They also noted a player from their opponents who looked familiar, identifying him as the open spiker from Miyagi Gakuen Junior High School.

"Isn't that the open-spiker from Miyagi Gakuen Junior High School?"

"Yeah, you're right! This is the same player who eliminated our school when we were at Kitagawa."

They considered him to be an extremely strong player, who would most certainly create some significant pressure on their team during the ongoing practice match.

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