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AS THE PLAYERS CONVERGED in Karasuno High School gym, Ukai announced the upcoming encounter with Nekoma High School, which was only four days away.

"Everyone has arrived, right? We only have four days left until our training matches with Nekoma High School."

Ukai emphasized the significance of this match, urging the players to put in the necessary work to improve their skills before the face-off.

"We don't have much time left, but you still need improvement. If you want to win, there's only one way to go - practice so much that you feel like vomiting, and save every ball!!"

He demanded they persevere and strive towards perfection, reiterating that hard work was critical to achieving success as they focused on honing their ball reception and saving abilities.

With the countdown to the match against Nekoma High only a few days away, Ukai decided to appoint Walter as the task master in charge of hitting the ball to the players.

Walter was intimately acquainted with the individual profiles and weaknesses of his teammates, allowing him to target their vulnerabilities accurately.

This allowed him to deliver a precise, effective serve to each player that would enable them to strengthen their ball-saving skills and become more well-rounded players.

In an incredibly clever move, Walter's serve choices were tailored to exploit the particular shortcomings specific to each player.

His keen knowledge of the individual characteristics allowed him to deliver targeted spikes at their weak points that, if received, would compel them to enhance their skills in those areas.

Daichi's lack of flexibility made him susceptible to sharp-angled fastballs, while Hinata's flexible body made him apt at catching the ball's increased power, creating the ideal scenarios to promote growth for each player.

"Why is it hard to receive."

Walter's effective targeting of his teammates' individual weaknesses through his serves helped them recognize the difficulties associated with receiving the ball.

As they endured the relentless stream of projectiles, they realized the challenge of dealing with Walter's spike was not exclusive to just his opponents.

Ukai also incorporated drills into the training, ensuring that the players would gain sufficient practice in the essential skills required to secure victory.

The organizers were ensuring that all bases would be covered to maximize the chances of a triumphant outing against the formidable Nekoma team.

As the busy day came to a close, the players realized the significance of the upcoming training match against Nekoma.

Karasuno began to enter the stage of shared living, which would help optimize time management and provide more opportunities for practice.

The close proximity of the training dormitory to the school would also enable them to reduce travel time and further amplify the efficiency of their training.

It was becoming evident that the organizers had planned for all eventualities, ensuring the players had the best possible setup for their preparations for the pivotal clash.

After sharing a meal, Walter could be noticed preparing to take his belongings as he prepared to depart from the dormitory.

"Eh, Walter-san-don't you want to stay here?"

Upon witnessing this, Hinata approached him curiously, inquiring about his decision not to stay in the residence.

"Because it was too late today, I was a little scared to walk alone at night, so I wanted Walter to accompany me back home."

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