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WHEN TAKINOUSE ATTEMPTED to send the powerful server to the opposite side to gain an advantage, Tanaka caught the ball and quickly relayed it to Kageyama to advance the play.

Walter was standing in front, and Kageyama had developed immense trust in his abilities after witnessing how effective he was during the team's prior game against Aoba Johsai.

Since Kageyama noticed Walter's presence in the front, his automatic impulse was to pass him the ball first so that they could score quickly.

As the Neighborhood Association concentrated intently on the ball, they patiently awaited Walter's spike.

"Here it is!" they thought, bracing themselves.

"Wow, he's set the ball so high," Ukai exclaimed with a hint of surprise, indicating he did not anticipate the spike to be so lofty.

As Walter's spike soared toward the opposing team, they collectively gasped with wonder, their mouths growing wide in amazement.


The impact of the ball landing echoed loudly on the court, prompting shock in those who were unfamiliar with Walter's capabilities such as Asahi, Nishinoya, Ukai and the neighborhood association members. However, those who had witnessed his spikes in action were no longer astonished, as it had grown a common occurrence.

Following their previous encounter with Aoba Johsai, a considerable amount of time had passed.

"Walter has experienced undeniable growth," Kageyama thought with determination, "I cannot afford to let myself lose to him."


Ukai cried out loudly, expressing his disbelief, as it was plain to see the changes in Walter's abilities.

After being told to continue the game, Ukai took hold of Takeda's collar next to him and gritted his teeth before demanding angrily:

"Why wasn't I informed beforehand about these changes?"

Takeda, clearly flustered, attempted to diffuse the situation by pleading, "Calm down, Ukai-san! What do you want me to say?"

As the tense atmosphere persisted, Ukai, clearly agitated, once more addressed Takeda, now with heightened aggression:

"It's obviously Karasuno! Don't make a fool of me by pretending not to realize how their powers have evolved," he added.

"Their swift offense and the synergy between the tiny No. 10 and second setter are incredibly effective, so much so that others struggle to keep up. That kid over there has also come a long way," he continued, clearly infuriated.

Despite the rising frustration, Ukai remained adamant in inquiring further, "You simply assumed he was solely a defensive player. Correct? But his powerful spike has surprised you. What is going on?"

"Might this be the result of hiring foreign players on a temporary basis?"

"Are you referring to Walter?" Takeda's feet seemed to land a bit more firmly as he expressed his pride in his student's ability, proclaiming, "Yes, Walter's spike is quite impressive."

Takeda then proceeded to explain Walter's prowess as a well-rounded player, stating,

"Yes, he is indeed highly versatile. During our training match with Aoba Johsai, his contributions were crucial in helping Karasuno achieve victory. As blocking proved ineffective, they even abandoned their attempts and opted instead to have everyone on the team coordinate to receive the spike as a collective unit!"

"What?" Ukai was stunned by the unexpected reveal of their tactics, his gaze shifting toward Walter as he pondered their strategies.

The Neighborhood Association competitors felt the pressure rise as they struggled to fend off Walter's spike, which had proven to be quite potent.

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