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THE SPECTATORS WERE THRILLED as the ball landed with a solid thump on the court floor. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of excitement, shouting and cheering. Among the chaos, some voices stood out.

"This is unbelievable, Shiratorizawa actually lost to Karasuno!" someone exclaims, "I never thought I'd live to see the day."

Another person yells, "This is a dream come true, Shiratorizawa has always been the top team in Miyagi Prefecture volleyball, and now a small school like Karasuno is giving them a run for their money."

"Don't be fooled, Shiratorizawa is still a force to be reckoned with. They're not going to lose so easily," a third person shouts, trying to dampen the excitement.

But the rest of the spectators were too caught up in the moment. They were rooting for the underdogs, wanting to see an upset, wanting to witness history in the making. The excitement in the air was palpable. No one knew for sure what would happen next, but it seemed like anything was possible.

The spectators were also in for a surprise as Walter of Karasuno High School stepped up to the court and displayed skills that were comparable to Shiratorizawa Ushijima Wakatoshi.

"That number 13 is not inferior to Ushijima," someone exclaimed amongst the crowd. "Can he also reach the level of the top three in the country? It's simply not possible!"

Another spectator shouted, "Shiratorizawa will come back in the next round. After all, Ushijima is the kind of player who gets stronger the more he fights, and his condition is getting better and better."

The tension in the air was palpable as the audience waited to see what would happen next. Nobody was sure if Shiratorizawa would be able to bounce back or if Karasuno momentum would prevail. But one thing was certain: this match was not over yet.


AS THE SPECTATORS SHIFTED and whispered around the Shiratorizawa team players, there was a palpable silence. Nobody dared to make eye contact with their coach, Washijo Tanji, who stared around as if searching for something.

Suddenly, there was only silence when their coach opened his mouth to speak. His words, amplified by his assistant coach Saito Akira, shook everyone present.

"You all just lost one set!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing throughout his team. "And not to the point of being irretrievable!"

His gaze was intense, and his words struck fear into the hearts of all present. "Does that scare you?" he asked, his eyes scanning his players.

With his words, silence took hold once more, as if everyone in the team was frozen in place, unable to move or speak. The tension was palpable, almost tangible, and the question hung in the air. Would their coach and assistant coach words ignite a new spark of determination, or would they prove to be the final blow to the morale of the Shiratorizawa team?

As the team was left stunned in silence, Coach Washijo Tanji and his assistant coach Saito Akira suddenly spoke up with determination. "You must win back the next set at all costs!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists tight.

Ushijima Wakatoshi, standing by his side, echoed the sentiment, "I won't lose to him again in the next set." His voice was deep and firm, and his gaze was determined, radiating a burning war spirit that was palpable to all.

Looking on with satisfaction, coach Washijo Tanji and assistant coach Saito Akira nodded his head in approval. The mood of the Shiratorizawa team, once again, started to shift. They were ready for the next game, determined to come back stronger than ever before.

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