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IN THE BACK, Walter observed carefully as Tendou stopped the ball. He seemed confident about it, and he knew that this kind of fast attack wouldn't be a threat to him.

However, Tendou laughter came from the other side of the net, and he sneered at Karasuno.

"You're facing more than just Ushijima in Shiratorizawa," he said, and Shiratorizawa's next serve came flying towards the front row.

Walter caught the ball without much difficulty, passing it to the three players in the front row.

They began running again, getting ready for the next serve. The tension in the game was palpable, and everyone was focused on the next move.

In the back, Walter continued to observe carefully, ready to provide assistance if needed.

As part of the coaching staff, he knew that  was just as important as the players on the court.

He was there to provide support, guidance, and advice, and he was ready to do whatever it took to help them win the game.

The energy in the room was intense, and the players were pushing themselves to their limits.

Walter knew that they were all determined to win, and he was proud of them for their hard work and dedication.

He was ready to do whatever it took to help them succeed, and he was confident that they would be able to make it through this tough game.

He was there for them, rooting for their success, and he was looking forward to seeing them come together as a team to achieve greatness.

After the pass was picked up, the three players in the front row started running again. Tendou Satori, who stood on the other side of the net, looked at the Kegeyama with great interest.

His forehead had begun to sweat slightly, and he was waiting with great anticipation to see who the second pass would be passed to.

The first talented second setter from Yu Shibata, Tsutomu Goshiki, and several more players got into position for another powerful offensive attack.

But just as the "monster" was about to strike the ball, it was stopped suddenly by the opponent's secondary attacker.

If it weren't for that player's quick reaction, the monster's attack could have scored a point for their team.

However, this was only a small setback for the talented setter who was determined to get the ball to his teammate.

As the game went on, the tension grew stronger, and the players continued to push themselves to their limits.

Each player was determined to score points for their team, and the audience was on the edge of their seats, waiting to see who would come out on top.

The game was intense, but the players were prepared for the challenge, and they all knew that they had to give it everything they had if they wanted to win.

In sports, it's important to learn from past mistakes and avoid repeating them in future games.

If a previous tactic didn't work out, it's better to try something new rather than repeating it and expecting a different result.

However, in this particular situation, Kageyama decided to take a different approach.

Instead of avoiding the tactic that had failed, they decided to try it again.

When both teams are evenly matched, the outcome of the game often comes down to a contest between a second setter and an opponent's net blocker.

This is where the game truly shines, as each player relies on their skills and tactics to come out on top.

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