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WITH A SHARM SMACK, Walter spiked the ball against the libero Hayato Yamagata hand one more time.  The force of the impact rocked Hayato's arm, and he let out a pained groan.

He clutched at his hand in disbelief as sweat trickled down his brow. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It couldn't be! Not in his wildest dreams.

Did he ever imagine he'd be facing off against another left-handed player. The mere thought sent a chill down his spine.

He could tell from the tension in the air that Walter teammates in the front row were just as much in awe as he was.

No one said a word of rebuke, but the silence in the room was almost unbearable.

The more the room seemed to close in on him, the more guilty Hayato felt.  He was just about to apologize when Ushijima spoke up.

"No worries, we'll figure this out together and take the point back," he said.

For a second, Hayato felt a rush of relief.

But then he realized Ushijima's words were.
A left-handed player was a rare but left-handed player who could handle a spike like it was simply unheard of.

If he didn't turn the game around soon, there was no telling what would happen.

Hayato steeled himself for another round, determined to do whatever it took to regain the upper hand.


HAYATO COULD SENSE THE Gaze of the Coach off the court in the direction of their team's bench.

As he took a rotate back to the rest area, he felt a sharp and intense focus on him.

"What's going on? Say it!" Assistant Coach Saito Akira eyes were still focused on the situation on the court, not on Yamagata Hayato, their libero.

However, the more this happened, the more he could feel an increasing sense of panic in his heart.

"His spike... He can consistently switch between his left and right hands to spike the ball." Hayato stammered, realizing the gravity of his mistake.

In a flurry of words, the reality of his situation began to settle in.

The left-handed player opposite him had the ability to switch between his hands constantly, making it virtually impossible to anticipate which direction the spike would come from.

Realizing his mistake, he felt a sense of dread wash over him as he realized the severity of the situation.

He knew he needed to act fast and find a way to regain the advantage in the game or risk embarrassing himself in front of his teammates and coaches.

In a desperate attempt to salvage the game, he steeled himself for the next round, determined to do whatever it took to turn the tides in his favor.

As he made his way back onto the field, the libero Yamagata Hayato could feel the weight of the gaze of the people off the court who had noticed his blunder.

He could sense the chill coming from the bench, and he felt ready to be scolded.

However, to his surprise, Assistant Coach Saito Akira and Coach Washijo Tanji only gave him a small nod and allowed him to go back to the game.

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as he saw the substitute players' strange glances being cast his way.

When he finally reached the off-field rest area, he was greeted by Eita Semi with a firm pat on the shoulder.

"Good luck out there, bud. We're counting on you," Semi said with a big smile.

Despite the gravity of his mistake, the simple words of encouragement from his teammate gave him a sense of calm.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was there to play volleyball, not to worry about the coach's opinion of him. He needed to focus on the game at hand.

With renewed determination, he ran back on the court, determined to prove to the team and to himself that he was capable of handling the situation.

With a deep exhalation, Hayato Yamagata takes a moment to calm himself and regain his composure.

He looks around at his teammates, who are all waiting for him to speak.

Feeling their inquisitive gaze upon him, he decides to tell them about the close call he had just had with the coach.

"I said something I shouldn't have," he begins, his voice low and serious. "I can't believe I almost got myself into trouble with him."

He takes another deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "I said something stupid, and i almost got myself in trouble. "

As Hayato Yamagata speaks, the rest of the team listens intently. Eita Semi, who had been about to scold him on the shoulder, looks like he's seen a ghost.

His hands freeze in midair, and he's left speechless, unable to process what he's just heard.

Hayato Yamagata continues on, his voice growing louder and more confident with each passing sentence.

"It's not like I was provocative or anything, but I said something that could have pissed him off. I don't want to see what would have happened if the caoch had heard it."

As Hayato Yamagata finishes speaking, the weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air.

His teammates share a look, clearly impressed by the fact that he managed to avoid what could have been a serious misstep.

But all of them know that this close call serves as a powerful reminder of just how important it is to be careful with their words, especially when it comes to their coach notoriously short temper.

As soon as Yamagata Hayato finished his monologue, there was a deafening silence in the air.

The team was frozen in disbelief at what they had just heard.

Eita Semi was in shock, staring at Hayato with wide eyes.

He opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a choking sound.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, she leaned in closer to Hayato and whispered:

"Are you an idiot?"

Hayato nodded in agreement, still looking scared.

"Yes, I would've been pumped to death if it was a normal game."

Eita Semi patted him on the shoulder, still with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I now realize that you are our team's true warrior. You dared to provoke pure coach, which is not an easy feat. But for your own safety, try not to make eye contact with him at this moment. The surface may seem calm, but he could still be angry on the inside."

The team was still processing what they had just heard when Eita Semi spoke, and they all felt a sense of respect towards their Libero Hayato Yamagata for being willing to take such a risk.

They knew they could count on him in any situation, and they were grateful to have such a courageous player on their team.

AUTHOR NOTE: Hello, everyone! This current volleyball match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa teams shall comprise three sets as opposed to the canonical story, in which the clash only consisted of two sets. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do.


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