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WALTER STANDING TALL in the back row, watched as Shiratorizawa focused their defense on him.

"Watch out for the back row attack!"

The opposing team was clearly aware of his strong attacking skills, and they didn't slacken their vigilance despite his position on the court.

Despite being a back row player, Walter power and precision with the ball were unmatched.

He was able to launch serves and spikes with accuracy and speed, making him a formidable opponent for any team. However, this was not the only reason why the opposing team kept their eyes on him.

Walter was known for his back row attacks—super ace hits that delivered the ball with enough power and spin to overpower any opposing block. It was not uncommon to see him launch the ball from the back row, sending it over the net with such force and accuracy that it often caught his opponents off-guard.

Shiratorizawa's teammates were well aware of the danger Walter posed as a back row ace attacker.

They knew that if they let their guard down even for a moment, he would punish them with a back row attack that would leave them reeling.

They continued to keep a close eye on Walter, making sure to be ready for any back row attacks that he might launch during the game.

It was a testament to Walter power and skill as a back row attacker that the opposing team continued to keep such a close eye on him, even when he was in the back row.

They knew all too well the damage that he could do with a back row attack, and they were not about to give him a free shot at their block.

Walter, as a back row attacker, was a powerful weapon in the court. His ability to launch the ball with speed and precision from the back row made him a force to be reckoned with on the court.

With his back row attacking skills, he could provide a unique and challenging aspect to the game, one that tested

Hinata had been a back row player since the beginning of the game. However, as the game went on, his positioning was changed, and he found himself on the front row. His eyes immediately lit up with happiness, excitement, and anticipation.

Hinata eyes were fixed on Kageyama on the sidelines. He glanced at it, his expectation mounting.

But as the Kageyama gazed back, he felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging. With a nod, the two silently acknowledged each other before they both moved away.

Tendou Satori, the opposite side of the net, had been keeping a close eye on Hinata movements.

He narrowed his eyes, not missing a single detail. He knew that Hinata was a master of stealth and his ability to move without being detected. And so, when he noticed Hinatas gaze fixed on the sides, Tendou Satori immediately grew suspicious.

"What is that shrimp up to?" Tendou Satori thought to himself, a cunning smile playing  at the corners of his mouth.

He knew that this could be a pivotal moment in the game, and he had to be prepared for any moves Hinata had up his sleeve.

As Hinata eyes shifted away, Tendou Satori shifted his gaze back to the game, ready for anything.

It was a game of strategy, of wit, and of skill. And as the game went on, Tendou Satori and Hinata were locked in a battle of minds, each trying to outsmart the other.

They both knew that a single slip-up could be the difference between victory and defeat, and they were both determined to come out on top.

With the game still in the balance, the fate of the match rested on their shoulders. The pressure was on, and neither player was about to back down.

The moment Hinata position had been exchanged on the sidelines, he felt a rush of excitement but also a sense of frustration.

He knew that although he was in a better position to observe the game, his ability to interfere in the game was limited.

Still, he was determined to make the most of this unique perspective, carefully monitoring the movements of both teams from the sidelines.

As the game continued, Shiratorizawa's offensive prowess only seemed to grow stronger.

With the blocking presence of their front row players removed from the equation, Shiratorizawa's spike hits became even more lethal.

Under the watchful eye of their star hitter, Ushijima, the team continued to rain down spike after spike on the opponents.

However, despite the obvious advantage Shiratorizawa held on the front row, the Karasuno team was not far behind.

Their team was led by a formidable front row offensive weapon of their own: Walter. This player was known for his powerful attacks, and his ability to switch between front and back row positions proved a challenge for their opponent.

As he now stood in the back row, he continued to prove his worth, delivering a spike after spike in the middle of the court.

Despite the fact that Shiratorizawa had assumed a more offensive posture with the removal of their front row blockers, they did not anticipate the front row attack that Hinata pulled out.

This unexpected maneuver caught Shiratorizawa off guard, and they were unable to react in time, allowing Hinata to successfully score points for his team successfully.

Before their opponent's front row has time to make a play, Hinata quickly and confidently spike the ball towards the net, scoring a point for Karasuno.

The sheer speed and his agility take Shiratorizawa by surprise, making it difficult for them to react in time.

Even if they manage to keep up with the relentless pace of Karasuno's offense, it would take Shiratorizawa some time to adjust to the new pace of the game.

Karasuno's other players take advantage of this brief moment of confusion to launch their own attacks, catching Shiratorizawa off guard and keeping the pressure on.

Yet, it's not just Karasuno's offense that is causing trouble for Shiratorizawa. Their own attacks on Karasuno are proving to be equally difficult for Karasuno to defend.

Without Walter dominant presence in the front row, Karasuno's defense is much less threatening to Shiratorizawa, leaving them to focus their energy on trying to counteract the speed and agility of Hinata

Overall, it's a flurry of quick-paced attacks and counterattacks that keep both teams on their toes as they strive to gain the upper hand in the game.


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