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A MISCHIEVOUS SMILER SPREAD across Walter lips as he stared down Tendou Satori, seeming to dare them to question his courage.


Suddenly, with a swift, powerful spike, the ball crashed into Tendou Satori body, knocking him backward with incredible force.

The ball then bounced up high and flew into the audience at the rear, leaving everyone stunned by the power and speed of the attack.

Tendou Satori hand covered his left hand as a trace of cold sweat began to bead on his forehead.

He knew that failing to block his opponents had consequences, and he was paying the price for it.

The intensity of the game had reached new heights, and each player was pushing themselves to their absolute limits.

With the tension on the court at an all-time high, it seemed that anything could happen next.

Everyone's eyes were glued to the ball, waiting for the next move, and the players were mentally preparing themselves for the task at hand.

The pressure was on, and it was clear that nobody was going to back down.

Shirabu Kenjirou quickly stepped forward and asked,

"What's wrong, Tendou-san?"

As soon as they realized Tendou condition, the other Shiratorizawa members hurried over to check on him.

"Nothing..." Tendou grunted, brushing aside their concerns.

"It's okay! Just a sprained finger."

A collective sigh of relief washed over the players as they watched their Tendou downplay the injury.

Meanwhile, Coach Washijo Tanji and his assistant Saito Akira. on the bench, called out a time out.

"How's it going, Tendou-san?" he asked with a blank expression.

"Do you need a replacement?"

The team looked Tendou, awaiting his response. He was clearly in pain, but he refused to give up.

"No, I'll be fine," he replied, gritting his teeth through the pain. "I can finish the match."

Despite his obvious injury, Tendou vowed to keep fighting, fueled by his sheer determination and love for the game.

The match would be a battle of endurance, and Tendou was ready to give it his all.

Tendou Satori gritted his teeth and responded,

"No! Just wrap it up with tape, and I can still play."

Tendou Satori was clearly in pain, but he wasn't ready to give up. Tendou knew that, and he encouraged himself to push through the injury.

Washijo Tanji, however, saw things differently and spoke up.

"Playing in the game also needs to use a little brain. Know your own strength and then decide. Don't push yourself too hard."

Tendou hesitated, his hand still covering his injured finger.

He knew he was already pushing himself to his limit, but he wasn't about to give up now.

"Yes!" Tendou responded, eager to get back in the game.

"Let's do this!" With that, the players turned their attention back to the court, ready to put everything they had into the match


AFTER  THE BRIEF MOMENT of concern for Tendou Satori injury, the Shiratorizawa team quickly regrouped and returned to the court.

Their unwavering determination and formidable will, forged through countless matches, allowed them to brush off any obstacles that came their way.

Even a blow as unexpected as an injured teammate didn't have an impact on their mindset, and they were ready to continue the game without hesitation.

Walter powerful spike was difficult for the opposing defenders to block.

Whether they chose to cover the straight or spike ball, the force of Walter attack proved to be too much for them.

His determination was evident, and he pushed himself to the utmost limit, never giving up or getting discouraged.

As the game went on, the players on both sides showed their true skills, executing their plays with speed and precision.

The match had reached a critical point, and the outcome was unclear.

The excitement continued to build, and the crowd was caught up in the thrill of the moment, eager to see what would happen next.

As the game progressed, Walter started to employ the same skills he had used against Shiratorizawa to great effect.

He unleashed ball after ball with spinning power and a fierce, powerful spike, leaving his opponents completely befuddled and struggling to keep up.

With each spike, Shirabu Kenjiro and his team were further tormented, struggling to stay afloat in the face of such overwhelming skill.

Even passing the ball was proving to be a challenge, but the players refused to give up.

They were determined to keep going, even if it meant stumbling through the game and constantly having to scramble to catch their opponents' shots.

The pressure mounted, and the players were being pushed to their absolute limits, but their will to win was stronger than ever.

As the game progressed, people in the audience began to notice a problem.

They began to question the handling of the rallies by the back row players of Shiratorizawa.

"How come Shiratorizawa's back row is handling the ball like this?" they wondered.

"Why are passes like this still flying? Is it just because the No.13 on the other side is strong?"

They were starting to realize that there was something seriously wrong with the team that was supposed to be so strong.

People in the audience began to debate the state of Shiratorizawa.

"Why have they come to this?" one person asked.

"Are they regressing? Is it that the basic skills of the first year were not practiced well?" Another person chimed in,

"I don't understand how basic skills could be so weak. They're professionals for crying out loud. How can they not receive the ball?"

As the game went on, there was growing concern among the spectateurs.

The team that was supposed to be at the top of the volleyball world seemed to be struggling with basic skills that should've been second nature to them.

The debate continued, and it was clear that something was off with Shiratorizawa.


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