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Several camera lights almost blind the eyes of a man who is buying coffee at a coffee shop near his new house, where he will live for the next few years, the one he doesn't know is there are a lot of paparazzi surrounding the small coffee shop in the neighborhood from far away. That tall man wearing a hat on his wavy hair looks so unbothered and try to calming himself by the paparazzi even the camera's sounds all around him and that is Stefan Luca, one of famous actor in Hollywood. After that, he walk to his new apartment building and saw his moving truck company already standing by to rearrange his apartment like his old apartment. His phone rings and he sees the caller name, it was Chris, his manager and then he picks up the phone.

"Stefan, the moving company will rearrange your stuff today, you can just relax and go out to see your new neighborhood. Also, ignore the paparazzi if they were there, I'll be there in 10 minutes and get ready for the next filming."

"Well, good thing I went to the nearest coffee shop and they bugged me like crazy. I'll go to my apartment to get ready, and Chris, don't just wait in the car, get my stuff too."

"okay prince charming, I'll escort you to the car."

Chris is laughing through the phone while Stefan is pissed off with his manager's response while he pushes the elevator button, "You know that I can hit your head with my hand, Chris?" on the other side of the phone. Chris just chuckled and said, "yes, you can but I bet you would not dare to do that." Stefan hangs up the phone and walks to his apartment door. He notices that on this floor there are only two apartment doors, which means that on this floor it is just him and his neighbor. "So, on this floor, it's just me and my neighbor, it's a more private place and it's a great choice." When he enters his new apartment, he can see that all items and furniture are neatly arranged and in accordance with the previous apartment, so he can feel comfortable in his new apartment.

After he checked all of his furniture stuff, he went straight to the bathroom to clean himself and get ready for the filming. While he was preparing himself in his closet, he heard his manager calling him from outside his room. "Stefan, hurry up, we'll be late because the traffic here is so crazy here." On the other hand, Stefan is still picking what shoes he will wear to the filming, and he picks the black Jordan Air. When he came out of his room, he saw the manager packing lunch for him and his script for filming in Stefan's bag. He saw the lunch pack from Chris, and it was a salad and one bottle of protein drink. He just sighs, "really, Chris? The salad again—what do you think am I, a goat?" Chris, who packed all of Stefan's things, just looked into him and said, "It is what it is, Stefan and also, it's not just a salad I added beef cubes there good for maintaining your muscle there, young man and here's your script let's go, we'll be late." Chris closes the bag and walks to the front door, while Stefan just stands in front of Chris, holding a grudge against his own lunch menu that Chris gave him, and follows Chris to the car.

Stefan gets to the car first and sits in the passenger seat behind Chris's seat with air pods attached to his ears while reading the script that will be shown to him during the filming later. After Chris closed the door, he started the car engine and immediately drove off to the filming place, and the atmosphere in the car was very quiet as usual because Stefan was always in silent mode while he was listening to the script that Chris had recorded his voice for Stefan to remember all the sentences in the script. Suddenly Stefan's phone had a lot of messages and notifications from his social media accounts, hundreds of notifications made him see his phone, and he saw all the people on the internet tagging him on his ex's photo update, asking him about their relationship because he saw his ex posted a photo with someone else in a romantic way. He didn't bother by that, but he looked so annoyed because all the people asked him the same questions. Chris saw his actor from the rearview mirror who was grumbling while looking at his cellphone while taking off his air pods and said to Chris, 

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