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Until now Stefan's problems have not finish yet, even Stefan's management team has issued clarifications regarding Jessica and her scandal but this news always include Stefan's name, who in fact was not involved at all with Jessica's scandal because they broke up a few weeks ago. Chris, as Stefan's manager, worked hard to clear Stefan's name from his ex-girlfriend scandal. Stefan is actually fucked up with all the news and paparazzi because they ruined Stefan's day and now, he only focus on his upcoming film and all the film projects that have been approved by him and his management. 

This morning, Stefan saw that the weather today was a little cloudy so he could jog around his apartment building while he waiting for his next schedule for his new movie. Before that, she prepares his morning juice. After preparing and drinking the juice, he changed into a t-shirt and shorts and socks. His phone rang, he saw who was calling him, it turned out to be his manager and he answered the phone. 

"hello Stefan I just want to inform you about that useless scandal, your name has been cleared from the scandal and now you can breathe a sigh of relief about it

Chris told this with out of his breath because he was very excited and chased by time because Stefan had to have a name clean before he shoots for the latest film later. Stefan was also relieved by his manager's statement 

"Has the executive producers heard about this? I don't want them to replace me just because of this stupid scandal" He took his airpods and shoes to run. 

"Their executive producers have canceled the actor changes, so you can still take on roles from their films and Stefan, do you want to go somewhere?" while tying his shoes he replied 

"yeah, I want to run around the apartment building and maybe get some coffee when I'm done" Stefan adjusted his shoes and put his airpods in his ears 

"okay then, just be careful of the paparazzi around your apartment" Stefan locked his apartment door and walked towards the elevator 

"don't worry, they won't come near me" after that he turned off his phone and the elevator door open. When he was in front of his apartment building, he caught a glimpse of a girl with long brown hair that he recognized, that is the girl next door who entered the convenience store next to his apartment, he continued to run around one block of the area.

— — — —

After Stefan ran and spent the morning looking at the surroundings, he returned to his apartment. He ran into his neighbor, Irene, who was holding a cup of iced coffee in her left hand and airpods attached to her ears. 

Irene greeted the neighbor "oh, good afternoon Stefan, you running when the sun is so hot like this?" while looking at Stefan and her eyes looking him up and down. 

Stefan looked at Irene with his everyday gaze and said "yes and even we are neighbors, please don't call me by my first name, it makes us like friends and you are not my friends, we are just neighbors and acquaintances". 

Stefan's words made Irene uncomfortable because calling Stefan was like calling her friend. Irene's face was disappointed with Stefan's words "oh I'm sorry, of course we're just neighbors." 

Stefan walked first to the door of the apartment building and entered, after that he knew that Irene was walking behind him. The two of them waited for the elevator to go down and when the elevator door opened they both entered, Stefan pressed their floor button. The atmosphere in the elevator was very awkward and quiet, only the sound of ice rocking from the iced coffee held by Irene can be heard by both of them. The elevator door opened, Irene left first and headed to her apartment. Stefan was walking behind Irene, he just silently watched the brunette girl walk and arrived at her door. He looked at Irene and she glanced at him while slightly lowering her head and Irene entered her apartment. 

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