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The sound of the television in the living room belonging to the black-haired actor lights up and shows the TV series that is currently running while the television owner was running on his treadmill while watching his television. His sweat was pouring down because he had been running on the treadmill for more than 30 minutes. 

He looked at his wall clock showing 10 past 30 minutes, he stopped his treadmill and he remembered that Robert would visit him later this afternoon so he headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower and wash his face. He prepared his lunch and sat on the couch with the television still on, while enjoying his food he looked at his phone and opened the youtube app. He is always like that when there is no one he can talk to while eating. 

When scrolling through the application, he saw an account name that he knew, Irene W. was live streaming, he immediately clicked on the account, fortunately he used a fake account for his YouTube so many don't know that Stefan always knows a lot of things on the internet. 

"I didn't know that she could talk like this, what a talkative girl."

While eating he listening to all the stories from Irene and to the songs she will be going to release. He didn't realize that he was smiling while chewing his food just by seeing her playing her guitar and singing like that, her voice sounds so good to him. One fact he knows about Irene is that she is a fan of his best friend, Robert, even her new song about the movie Robert plays with the character of Baron, he didn't know how to react but he felt a little jealous about it too, "So she's interested in Robert, even her roommate is the same." 

Stefan just took a deep breath so he wouldn't think about it too much, he can't be jealous over those things, he enjoyed watching the girl next door chat with her audience until he finished eating her lunch while waiting for Robert to come to his apartment. He also took his phone to the kitchen while listening to Irene who was talking about her day because Stefan wanted to wash his dishes and prepare snacks for him and Robert then he grabs some fruits and chocolate wafers for Robert into the small container for the snacks, while waiting for his best friend arrive at his apartment, he relaxing on the sofa right in front of his TV and then tried to browse through Irene's social media, he saw Irene's latest post about her new song that would be released and he liked the post. He still continues to watch Irene's live stream without anyone disturbing him so he focuses only on watching Irene while he munching on his fruit waiting for Robert, after a while Irene finish her stream and Stefan hear a knocking sound on his front door.

Stefan locked his phone and placed it on his coffee table. He also walked towards the front door to open the door, it seems Robert was already in front of his apartment door. Robert is always having fun with Stefan, he must have keep on knocking on his door until Stefan opened the door. "I'm still walking Robert," Stefan said half shouting, as he open the door, there was Robert grins to him with lots of plastic bags in both hands, "hello my brother" Robert said with cheeky smile and without waiting for Stefan's answer, Robert immediately entered his friend's apartment while he take his shoes off and immediately wearing Stefan's slippers. Stefan just sighed and says "consider your own home" with a lazy face, he close and locked the door. 

Robert put the plastic bags on the table in the kitchen then took out the items which made Stefan shake his head while helping his best friend put the snacks his best friend bought, "why you buy this much snacks? I have a lot of snacks, like your chocolate wafer over there" while pointing at his coffee table, Robert immediately stopped what he was doing and looking at Stefan with an annoyed look "Bro, the snacks you have are not the real snacks but it's vegetables that are cut into small pieces, it is not the same as all these snacks that I bought here" 

Robert also put all the snacks into Stefan's kitchen cupboard and refrigerator, the kitchen owner could only surrender to his friend's behavior, he took 4 cans of beer for the two of them "hey, I've prepared snacks on the table over there, you can take yours as much as you like," Stefan walked to his sofa and sat down while opening his beer, Robert also followed his best friend to the sofa after arranged the real snacks, then he took his beer and opened it while drinking his beer. "So when will your film be released? Weren't you busy interviewing for your latest film last week?" Robert ask him about his schedule nowadays, Stefan leaned on his sofa while enjoying his cold beer "I think it will be next two months if the producers don't postpone it" Robert took a sip of his beer then asked again "is there still a cold war between you and Jessica? Was it finished after she signed the agreement from your management?" Stefan just took a glance at him "I have made peace with her, for me I have made a peace, I don't know for her whether the agreement letter includes the word of peace or not. I just want to tell you that night the woman and I argued because she said that she was innocent, even you know what she got when she was with me for years, instead she chose to have an affair with that old fart man and made me a villain of that relationship, after that she used my name for getting more views and endorsement for luxury brands, how cruel that bitch was." 

Robert just looking at his best friend's face looks tired and has big dark circles around his eyes "I know you're tired of her and everything but you still have me, Chris, Max and your mother, you should call her often. I know you always message her but a text and a call is different Stefan or" Robert change his expression "you can call the girl next door, I bet you'll not be alone anymore" his words immediately made Stefan immediately hit his best friend's head with his hand. "Don't talk carelessly like that, you know the girl next door doesn't want to be with me, because she is your fan, she even makes songs inspired by your character" Robert kinda shocked about the last sentence from him, "wait, what did you say? She made a song inspired by me?" his expression change to relieve "that's why, now I know the reason." 

Stefan takes a glance at him, "what reason? Did she say something to you?" Robert just sips his beer and takes a bite of his snack, he nodded "yes, should I tell you about it? Are you that curious, Stefan Luca?" Robert love to make his best friend more curious and miserable than ever he did, "Okay I'll tell you" he adjusted his seat to be more comfortable "so, I just got called by her management also her manager to inform that I'll be in her new music video as her model and to be honest, actually Olivia text me about it first, so I consider it and say yes to that beside I don't have a tight schedule, so why not?" After Robert's explanation, Stefan's expression changed temporarily and after that he just gulped down his beer and crushed his empty beer can. "oh are you that jealous Stefan? If we agree about it, I'll start working with her and I'll take you to the set if you don't have any schedule but I bet you do, I hope you don't forget your premiere red carpet Stefan." Robert said that while eating his snack with a big grin on his face then Stefan said "I don't have any schedule for that, well yes I do but I'll rearrange my schedule with Chris later and you should take me to your set there." Robert just chuckles at his best friend's statement there, he knows that his best friend is really into the girl next door but still didn't admit that. "Honestly, you want to see me on her set or just want to see her on her own set, Stefan Luca?", with his teasing tone toward Stefan then he crushed an empty beer can and threw it to Robert making that guy laughing his ass off. 

After they drank some of their beer, they played games on Stefan's TV which made Stefan upload something on his social media about what game he played on his TV, after a while they finished playing the games, he checked his phone and some notifications from his social media. He scrolling the notification and he saw a familiar username on his comment section, the girl next door who was commenting on his new post but he just feels kinda into the phone until Robert's voice can be heard by him. 

"Hey buddy! What the hell happened to you? you're like getting into your phone for split second" Robert look up to his friend's phone and see the comment from the girl next door, he smiles happily with the behavior of his best friend who is actually someone who has been grumpy like an old man since he was a teenager because he has a family issued when he was a little kid, Stefan immediately locked his phone and put his phone on the couch so Robert can't take it.



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