Eighteen (part 2)

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Irene and Olivia were already in the car to go to Broadway which was not far from their rented apartment. Irene was very excited because she had read the book The Phantom of the Opera when she was still at school. After arriving at the Broadway theater, they took a few photos and then posted the photos on their respective social media before entering the theater. They enjoyed their afternoon watching at the Broadway theater. After they finished right in front of the theater, someone called Irene and Olivia and it turned out they were fans of the two girls. they chatted for a while and took photos, one of Irene's fans asked why Stefan didn't come to her mini concert yesterday, she is little shock and Olivia answer "it looks like he's busy so he can't come here" Irene also added "yes, I think my friend is busy shooting some film again" Irene used the word friend for Stefan because in fact they were just friends and neighbors. After meeting her fans, Olivia invited Irene to eat typical New York food that didn't have a branch in Los Angeles. 

They return to the car and Olivia asked the driver to take them to a place to eat that only existed in New York. They arrive at Joe's Pizza, Irene heard a lot of praise for the restaurant. "oh Joe's Pizza, looks like we can take it home or we can eat at central park? what do you think?" Olivia asked Irene in the car, "It seems like a good idea, let's buy pizza." They got out of the car and immediately ordered a large portion of cheese pizza and they immediately drove to Central Park. Irene was fascinated by the beauty of Central Park. Olivia took her hand to the empty seat there while bringing pizza and drinks for them, they sit under a shady tree in a very beautiful atmosphere. "Look at the scenery here, so different right?" ask Olivia while opening their drink and the pizza box. "yeah, I think I want to move here after I get a lot of money." Irene takes one pizza and the plastic plate. Olivia looking at Irene's necklace, "by the way, tell me about that necklace, why didn't you tell me about that?" she's about to take a bite of her pizza but she gives her short answer, "you were busy, right?" then take a big bite of her pizza. "I know but still tell me, is he really gave you the necklace just like that?" Irene open up Olivia's drink "well, not just like that, he gave it to me when we were in the car, on the way to the premiere." There is awe on Olivia's face "do you know how expensive that necklace are?" Irene just shake her head, "it was over $30.000, I just searched for it after I saw that necklace a couple days ago" Irene slowly opened her mouth and said "shut up! Are you serious? I didn't know that!" She bite her pizza again but then she saw behind the bushes, there was a guy with a big camera hiding behind them. "I don't want to ruin our lunch date, Olivia, but there is paparazzi behind you, now I know what Stefan's means" but they just busy eating. After they finished eating, they looked for a trash can first and walking toward the central park and sit on one of the park benches there. Olivia also asked about Stefan and Irene's relationship, "Haven't either of you come to the media and said that you don't have a special relationship?" Olivia asked and Irene answered "Chris and Rachel have been to several media outlets but it seems like they are using Stefan's name to keep selling their news."

"That makes more sense, since he is a popular actor around the world" Olivia looked at her watch and immediately stood up "Come on, let's go to Times Square now" while pulling Irene's hand "Wait, huh? Why are we going there" they walked to their car "It wouldn't be complete if you went to New York without taking photos there" then they immediately heading to Times Squares. They arrived at Times Squares and saw a lot of people there, it was starting to get late in the afternoon but there were more and more people there, their driver parked the car a little far from the crowd so they walked to get to the middle of Times Squares with lots of billboards and food sellers in carts. Irene was a little worried about the number of people there, she held Olivia's arm tightly, afraid that something would happen to her, the worst thing was that she would lose her direction. "Where're you taking me, Olivia?" Olivia didn't answer her question but was still walking toward the hanging billboards. "Here, you should stand here and I'll take your picture in front of the billboards, okay?" Irene, who was confused, just obeyed Olivia's wishes by standing on the side of the road in front of lots of billboards showing advertisements. "Hey, give me your poses, don't look like you're taking a passport photo" Irene followed Olivia's wishes, then at the right time Olivia took a photo of Irene with a billboard showing Irene's face and her achievements on one of the world's famous music platforms, she took several photos with Irene's style is very cute according to Olivia. Irene immediately walked towards Olivia in the middle of the sea of ​​people in Times Square, then saw Olivia's photo. Irene's eyes immediately widened at what appeared on the big billboard behind her. "What?! Why is my face there? Wait, more than 3 million people listen to my music?" with a voice that seemed like she was holding back her tears, then Olivia hugged her "You succeeded, sis. Your hard work paid off, the music paper that always made me slip and almost fall at home paid off." Irene, who heard that laughing, and she also asking her to take another photo when the ad appears again. After they saw Times Square, they bought halal guys for their last dinner in New York and Olivia bought bagels for their snack tonight. They went back to the apartment they rented and took a shower and changed clothes. They waited for Rachel because she wasn't home yet.

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The three of them had returned to Los Angeles, Irene and Olivia used this day to rest at home, when they had finished tidying up their apartment suddenly there was a knock on the door. Irene, who had showered and was clean, then opened the door to find Robert standing with a plastic bag in both hands, "Robert? Come in." Robert came in and greeted Irene, "Hi Irene, congratulations, I saw a lot of posts about your concert." Robert hugged Irene to which Irene replied, "Thank you Robert, is that a snack for me or just for Olivia?" Robert laughed awkwardly "for all of you, where do you want me to put this?" Irene pointed to her kitchen island. "Just put it there, I'll put it in our snack cupboard." Robert put the bags in the kitchen island "okay, is Olivia here?" Irene opened up the bag and put some snacks in the kitchen drawer, "oh yes, she is showering now, she takes a long time to shower" both of them laugh and Irene let Robert sit on the couch "How is your relationship? Is there any progress?" Irene suddenly asks Robert, "well, we are progressing but I let her explore more for her life" "that's good" "well, how about you with Stefan?" Irene looks confused, "what do you mean? we're good friend" Robert straightened his seat and looked at Irene, "no, no, you two are not just friends, I'm very sure of that," said Robert without taking his eyes off Irene and he saw the necklace Irene was wearing then pointed at the necklace, "even that necklace, you're still wearing it. If it's just a friend, the necklace was removed after finishing last year's event, am I right?" Irene immediately fell silent and her eyes blinked when she heard Robert's statement, "I love this necklace, I don't think to take this off in short time" Robert crossed his arms, "In my opinion, these past few months Stefan has seemed happier than usual, even though he still has problems with his ex which has really made Stefan's life bad lately, when he meets you he smiles more than usual," Robert explained all of it to Irene which she never expected. "I believe you know what I mean, right? I hope you will understand that" Olivia came out of her room and was surprised to see Robert and Irene sitting on the sofa chatting. "Oh, Robert? Why didn't you call first?" Irene saw that Olivia was neatly dressed in her clothes, "Ah, you guys want to go on a date?" Irene asked Robert, he nodded, "Yes, she asked because she was bored outside and she didn't want to disturb you from resting." Irene smiling at them, "okay, don't be late home Olivia" she rolled her eyes "yes mom, I'll not be late" Robert and Olivia walk to the front door, "keep my sister safe, Robert"

"I'll keep her safe, all the time"

Olivia lightly punched her shoulder, "okay, mom. It's so sad that your guy is not here" while looking at Stefan's apartment door "now go, I'll close the door" they walk towards the elevator, Irene locked the front door. Irene went to her room to rest, she looked at Stefan's social media and thought about Robert's words earlier, she saw several photos of Stefan who was in Rome to shoot his new film. Now she is thinking about everything, did Robert's words true or is he just adding to Stefan's story? Irene lay down on her bed and looking at the ceiling while holding her necklace. 





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