Thirty (part 1)

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After a week from her fashion week schedule she begins to work on her songs again, usually mornings for Irene are fun but not this morning, she has to complete the puzzle pieces for her newest EP which will be released this year. Irene has prepared iced tea without milk because she has to stay focused on the monitor screen in front of her with her headphones on and her mic on to record some parts of her songs.

The doorbell ringing and Irene immediately stand up and walk towards the main door to open the door, there was her beloved manager who had brought the tacos and burritos she asked for. "Rach, is that my burrito and tacos?" as she went into her apartment "yes and also your tortilla chips" she close the door and goes to the kitchen because Rachel was already ahead to the kitchen. Rachel prepared plates for Irene and herself to eat lunch together, she sit across the kitchen island with her gaze all over the foods that Rachel prepares as she finishes. Immediately Irene take one plate of her burrito and take two tacos, she is really hungry that day, Rachel notices her computer table is so messy with books, papers and her tea cup. "Did you finish the record that Andy asked about?" Irene just shaking her head with her mouth full with her burrito, Rachel take a bite of her tacos, "finish it first, then you clean up your apartment, it's like a wrecking ship here" Irene just rolls her eyes and take a big bite of her burrito.

After finishing her lunch, Rachel helped Irene to wash the plates they had eaten from and then Irene opened the conversation "Rach, I want to ask about something?" Rachel, who was washing dishes, just raised her eyebrows "talk" Irene asked "what if I live in LA for a week?" Rachel, who had been focused on washing the dishes, immediately looked up at Irene "huh? a week? Where do you want to live? Did you forget that Olivia has moved into Robert's apartment" before Irene answered, Rachel continued "living in Stefan's new apartment?" Irene nodded "as long as Stefan doesn't mind, that's fine, but I will still come home according to schedule because I have to work too Irene" Irene smiled and immediately stood up to Rachel and kiss her cheek also hug her, "oh god, okay girl but before that let me go and clean up your apartment"

— — — — —

Los Angeles

Irene and Rachel had arrived at LAX airport and it turned out that it was Stefan who picked them up in his car. When he saw Stefan's car approaching them, he opened the window to welcome them "hello guys, wait I'll help you" says Stefan, then helped Rachel put both of their suitcases in the trunk after that he opened the door for Irene "welcome princess" as he whispers, she just smile "thank you Stefan" then Irene got in the front passenger seat then Stefan begin to driving to their hotel, "are you guys hungry? should we buy some food on the way?" Rachel is busy with her phone because she has to schedule Irene's day for two days in LA, "sure, I'm hungry and I think I want to eat something hearty" Stefan seems to think what she means, "oh maybe soupy or homemade, princess?" Irene just nodding and Stefan pull them to a famous restaurant in west hollywood with homemade food from Italy. After they ate there, Stefan immediately took them to the hotel they booked in the Hollywood area. Irene saw that Stefan was less wary of the paparazzi, he also didn't wear a mask, only a hat which he often wore and they arrived at the hotel and then Stefan parked the car in front of the hotel and immediately opened the door for Irene then opened the trunk "you check in first, I'll take out your suitcases" Rachel said "thank you Stefan" then they both confirmed at the reception, Irene saw Stefan enter the hotel lobby with a suitcase belongs to both of them and walking toward them, "are you already check-in?" asked Stefan, "already, thanks Stefan" says Rachel while take their suitcases, "alright then, I have to go now, take care yeah" while looking at Irene, "you too, thanks for the ride" Stefan just messing her hair and says "I just taking care of my princess, bye love" Irene fixed her hair while smiling "bye, babe" they waving hands to each other and then Irene walk to Rachel that already in front of elevator.

— — — — —

Irene had been in Los Angeles for two days, today was Rachel's last day with Irene because she had to go back to New York to take care of Irene's work, then not long after they checked out of the hotel, Stefan's car picked them up as he get out from the car to greet them, he says to Irene "you'll stay at my place, is that okay Rach?" he asks Rachel while he help to put their suitcases on his car, "that's totally okay, you can take care of her well" after Rachel said that then he says "let's go to the airport, I'll drive you by Rach" Irene open the door of Stefan's car but quickly she sees Stefan next to her and says something "iubi you'll stay my place okay?" Irene hears that and answers "really? How about your mother?" As Irene got into his car and sit in the passenger seat, "she actually stayed at my other apartment, she told me that you should stay at my place" and he closed the car door, making her think how nice his mother was. While on the way to the airport, Irene's phone rang and it turned out that Olivia called Irene and she answered the phone,

"Sis, where are you? I'll pick you up"

"Olivia! hey, Stefan already picked me up with Rachel, we're on the way to airport"

Irene can sense Stefan gaze on her now

"iubi loudspeaker please?" then she put the call in loudspeaker

"oh, is he already there? you said you want to stay at my place?"

then Stefan start to talk to her

"she will stay at my place Olivia, don't worry about that and I don't want my princess stays at Robert place"

"Oh Stefan, I thought you were busy as always mr. workaholic"

Rachel chuckle when Olivia said Stefan's nickname

"don't call me that and if you guys want to meet up, you can"

"mr. workaholic you are so grumpy today, I'm sorry sis I can't because I need to check Robby's schedule"

"Robby? oh, Robert, it's okay sis maybe next time or the day after tomorrow"

"good choice, I'll call you again, bye sis"

"bye Olivia" then Olivia turn off the call and Stefan just hisses, "how can I let you stay at Robert, that two such a wild ride everywhere" Irene confused with his words, "wild ride? What do you means" Rachel who picked up the words just look shocked, "they already did! my god!" Irene turns around to see Rachel, "did it? what do you —" a second realization then she looking at Stefan "oh!, they did that already?!" Stefan just snuffle at her while continuing focusing on driving, "that's why I don't want you to stay with them, I don't want my princess's ears get cursed by their loud voice" Irene's face felt hot thinking that maybe now her face would turn red like a tomato, she knew Stefan took a quick glance to her and he smirk like a devil. They arrived at the airport and Rachel immediately went down to get her suitcase because it was almost close to departure time, "bye Rachel, take care" says Irene from inside the car waving their hands. After they left the airport, Stefan immediately drive to his apartment in west Hollywood. Irene also saw that the streets were busier here than they used to be in Long Beach, it feels more like Hollywood than other areas in Los Angeles. "where do you want to go after this?" Stefan asked Irene who was looking out the car window and then looked at Stefan, "I don't know, maybe near your place there is a cafe or something interesting to visit" Stefan just nodding, "princess, I miss your food specially the brownies" Irene take a glance to him, "should we go to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients, baby?" When Irene asked that, Stefan immediately turned towards the big supermarket in the area, "on it, princess" so they are on their way to the supermarket.


-tbc (part 2)

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