Twenty Two

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After several days in the hospital, the sleeping beauty finally woke up from three days of deep sleep. There were Rachel, Olivia, Irene's mother named Wulan and Irene's half-brother named Nathan. Irene can now sit even though the bandages on her hands still have to be worn, and the bandages on her head have been removed since she woke up. Irene start to chatting with everyone there, even Nathan brought her favorite snack from Indonesia so she would not get bored with the hospital's food, he is always at Irene's ward's bedside, always accompanying her little sister. Her mother is taking care of Irene's problems because she is also a mother-manager for Irene and Rachel because they were also victims of the car accident. Olivia was busy peeling an orange and then putting it on a plate for Irene to eat. 

"Your mother is very busy taking care of all this," 

Irene answered, "that's my mama, she's always been like that since I was little, always wanting the best for her two children even though you don't have to come here" while holding her brother's hand. 

Her brother immediately commented, "In fact, you should be grateful to mom who immediately left Jakarta to LA just for you. Mom was supposed to have a film shooting schedule in Singapore today but immediately changed it when she heard you had an accident, she even called me and I immediately agreed to come with mom." Irene just sighed hearing her brother's explanation. Irene looked around her room, there her mother and Rachel were talking about the law in America, if there was something like this, Irene's management had also provided information and Rachel, who was already healthy, got a call that their accident case was with the police and an investigation was being carried out, she was asked to to provide information and Irene was told to rest by her.

Rachel approached Irene, "Hey, I have to go back to the office to provide information about this case, you just rest and don't think about all of this, I'll go first" she take her bags "Olivia and Nathan, please look after Irene, okay?" Irene said "ok Rach, bye bye" Rachel went off to the management. Irene ate the orange that Olivia had peeled, the orange taste sweet and she give one slice of orange to her brother and he ate the orange then her mother talk to her children "It looks like you don't need to deal with this problem, I got news that someone has reported this incident and they have found out who was behind your accident, several paparazzi and their agencies have been reported." Everyone there was stunned and speechless because they were confused about who reported this and how quickly the mastermind was identified. 

Olivia immediately looked at Irene and whispered to her "Stefan?" Irene, who heard that, answered in a small whisper, "How is that possible?" Olivia just shook her head because she didn't know the answer other than the young man. Irene's mother sat back on the sofa and looked at her daughter who was eating oranges with her brother and best friend. Irene, who saw her mother, immediately said, "Mama, don't think about all this. I don't want your high blood pressure to recur again, like when you were busy filming and forgot to eat." Her mother just smiled, "it's okay sayang, mama brought my medic bags here." Irene's mother said, "Your father has just arrived at LAX, he will be here soon." Irene giving a happy smile because her father could come to see her, she missed her papa so much. "Are you serious mama?" Nathan look at his mother, "maybe I should pick him up," said Nathan. Wulan just shake her head " no need to Nathan, he already in taxi on his way to here" Wulan said that while putting her long, wavy brown hair in a ponytail.

Olivia still accompanied Irene there, while Nathan and Wulan went down to find food for themselves and Irene's father. Irene was looking at her phone as if waiting for a message from someone she was really waiting to hear from, then she saw that the person was in Thailand filming his film. Olivia also saw Irene's expression, "Waiting for Stefan, huh? To be honest, the last time I met him was when you went to the emergency room, after that I didn't know how the man was." Irene put her cellphone on the bed, "He is now in Thailand, looks like he is shooting a movie again. Wait, you said he came to the hospital when I had an accident? Did he —" Before she finished her sentence, Olivia immediately answered, "Yes, he's looking after you full time, he even told me to finish my internship first and then I can look after you like this. Stefan was the one who looked after you when you were unconscious, Irene." she continued "how long will you deny this Irene? He cares about you and he puts you first before his work even though you two have no relationship, in fact we both know he loves his work more than anything, well he is a bit of a playboy but that was before he met you, he changed." 

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