Twenty Three (part 1)

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It's been almost two weeks since Stefan has been in Bangkok, Thailand to complete a project for shooting an upcoming film. In Bangkok he feels like an ordinary person who not many people know, he is free to travel to the city of Bangkok and walk around the tourist destinations there. The weather in Bangkok was very hot compared to when he was filming in Seoul, South Korea, even though the sun was above Stefan's head, it still felt cool with a cool breeze blowing through his hair. While resting at his hotel, Stefan received a message from Robert that Irene had returned to the apartment and Stefan's report had been submitted to the police and several paparazzi had received letters prohibiting them from approaching and taking photos of Irene without permission or not at a big event to which Irene was invited. 

"Finally they were able to get away from her," muttered Stefan, he sees several photos of Irene after being released from the hospital and saw that the girl had released her new song entitled Straight to You, he listened to the song with a view from his hotel room window, the lyrics of the song It sounds romantic telling about someone who without further ado goes straight to the person that they love. Stefan also thought about whether this song was a hint from Irene for him or was it just Stefan's wild thoughts, because this song was like his and Irene's current relationship, also he still kept the ring for the girl neatly in the drawer of his room in the apartment. After he finished listening to the girl's song, he was determined to talk about everything, his feelings and the future of the two of them when he was in Los Angeles, "I'll talk with her about all of this and make sure she also inline with me, if not It'll be embarrassing" Actually, Stefan was very worried if he gave the ring and Irene flatly rejected him because she knew that Irene was not the type of woman who waited for someone for so long but she wanted someone who was serious about a relationship that involved her life forever, he didn't know why, maybe it was Irene's personalization of her life.

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Stefan arrived in Los Angeles with his new haircut and a thick beard and mustache because it was for the filming in Thailand and he was too lazy to shave it. Paparazzi's camera flashes greeted him when he arrived at LAX airport and several of his fans were there shouting his name. He is waving and smiling to his fans as he walking to his car with Chris pushing the suitcase trolley. On his way to the apartment, he tried to send a short message to Irene and she is answer it really quickly.


Hey, are you busy today Williams?


Hey Stefan, I'm not busy today, I'm in my apartment waiting for Olivia to come home

Seeing the message, Stefan was a little relieve because the girl had replied to his message.


I see, I just arrived from Thailand and I just want to know how you doing.


I'm doing great here, oh are you already eating for lunch? This is coincidental that I cooked my favorite food today, maybe you would like to try it?


No, I don't and I like to try your food, is it that bad or not


hey! my food is great, okay I'll reheat it for you, should I bring it to your apartment or you want to come to my apartment?


Yes, you can bring your food to my apartment and thank you Williams, I appreciate that.


Okay then, you can text me again if you're ready to eat, see you at your apart Stefan!


See you, Williams

After he replied to Irene's message, he felt nervous and busy thinking about how he could tell the girl and give her the ring he had prepared a long time ago. Chris saw Stefan's behavior after looking at his cellphone screen, like someone who was thinking hard about something, "Is there a problem, Stefan?" Chris's voice made Stefan flinch in surprise "oh it's okay" Chris just looked at Stefan as if he wasn't focused "really?" Stefan nodded "yes, I'm fine" Then they were at Long Beach and they arrived at Stefan's apartment. Chris immediately went down to lift several large suitcases belonging to Stefan. Stefan immediately got out of his car and helped Chris push his large suitcases. They arrived in front of Stefan's apartment door and went straight in. "Thank you Chris, I'll put all these suitcases in my cupboard" Chris was the one who helped put Stefan's suitcase in "You're welcome, take a break this week, you don't have any schedule so enjoy your rest time" Stefan who heard that just smiled "Okay "Don't forget to close the front door, okay?" Chris left Stefan alone in his apartment. After finishing cleaning up the suitcase and its contents, Stefan immediately took the initiative to shower and put on clothes suitable for having lunch with the girl next door. Stefan took his cellphone and when he wanted to send a message to Irene, he immediately remembered something "shit, the ring" he went straight to his room to get the ring in his drawer, "here it is" he immediately put the ring box in his shorts pocket. He immediately sent a message to Irene


Hey, I'm already at my apartment, should I go to your place first?

Not long after Stefan sent a message to Irene, the girl immediately read the text and reply to his text.


Hi! no, I'll go to your place in five minutes okay, wait up!


Take your time, Williams.

Stefan is waiting for her while cleaning and taking several plates, bowls and cutlery to take to his very minimalist dining table for two then he sit down on his dining chair while waiting for the girl to come and knock on the front door.

After five minutes had passed, he heard a knock on the door, he checking who it was and it turn out it is Irene with a large bowl and plate containing food covered by plastic wrap, "hello" said Irene to Stefan, "come in" Stefan invited Irene into his apartment, "thank you" Stefan closed the door and saw the girl wearing a thin, cream-colored sweater with black jeans and sandals, then Stefan helped Irene carry the large bowl which turned out to be hot to the dining table "this bowl is very hot, why didn't you say so?" Irene, who put the plate on the dining table, said, "Oh, it's not that hot, I can still hold it comfortably." Stefan just smile a little while shaking his head. Irene, who opened the plastic wrap on the large bowl, made the room smell delicious, even Stefan, who didn't know what dish it was, felt hungry. 

Stefan, who wanted to help Irene, was stopped by the girl, "I will serve all this, okay, so you just sit down and eat, understand?" Stefan couldn't resist so he just sit back down in his dining chair and watching Irene prepare the soup for him. Stefan's gaze was only at Irene even though the smell of the girl's cooking stole his attention. "Stefan, do you have rice?" Stefan answers, "I just arrived Williams" in a playful tone that he rarely use, then Irene put the spoon that she was holding onto the table, "Wait, I'll get you the rice I just cooked today, okay? This has to be eaten with rice." Irene immediately jogged to the door until she disappeared from Stefan's sight. Not long after, the girl open the door and appeared with two plates on her hands containing rice for the two of them, then Irene continued to prepare food for Stefan. Irene sit down on the dining chair, watching Stefan's reaction and it turn out that Stefan only looking at Irene while she was preparing food for the two of them, making Stefan quickly looking at the food then Stefan said "it looks delicious" Irene smile happily at Stefan's reaction "pray first before eating" then they both prayed and enjoyed Irene's cooking.

-tbc (part2)

Straight To YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin