Twelve (part 1)

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On Friday, usually Stefan can rest all day but this morning he had to shoot an interview for his latest film with the other actors. He had arrived earlier and was enjoying his breakfast, Caesar salad and his protein shake in his waiting room with all the staff running around. the set. After a while, he has almost finished his breakfast and his co-star has arrived in the waiting room, Clarissa James who is one of the actresses in the Stefan movie, she is the main actress. "oh you are early here, Stefan" says Clarissa, Stefan just chuckles and answers "Well, better than late, right. Besides, I have a lot of work to do today."

He did not mention about the other schedule, because his schedule is actually just this interview and seeing Robert on Irene's filming music video, he got Robert's message this morning about his schedule for the music video that will be held this afternoon until evening probably they will hit the night time. Both of them got the makeup done and the assistant producer of the interview came up to the waiting room to see the actors there,

"hi, are you guys ready? let's move to the interview room, shall we?"

Both of them get up from their seats and get escorted to the interview room with lots of cameras surrounding the two seats for them because they have interviewers from across the world. That's why it's like an online event for them,

"wow, a lot of cameras here" said Clarissa, they walk to their chair

"I feel like I'm being watched by everyone, even this is a record session not live" says Stefan who was tidying his clothes while sitting on a chair. All of the staff are already there and the producers stand by behind the camera to direct the interviewers from overseas, both of them look so nervous even when they are actually just talking to the camera. 

They build their chemistry for the film and sometimes people see that behind the scenes, they are top actors and actresses nowadays, that's why building their own chemistry is such an easy task for both of them. 

In this interview, Stefan and Clarissa answered lots of questions and occasionally laughed remembering funny incidents at the shooting location and they looked very relax when they officially started the interview. They were interviewed by 5 different people, some from social media and some from the press. One of the social media Influencer caught Stefan by surprise because it was the girl next door, Olivia. he never knew that girl was actually really famous on social media or he doesn't even realize that she has almost two and half million followers on her social media. The interview went so well but Olivia and Stefan have to act like they have never met or known each other before even though she is his 'crush' best friend and roommate.

"thank you for your time Clarissa and Stefan for this interview, I hope I can see you on the 'servant of the rose' opening red carpet" says Olivia, who making Clarissa smile and says

"Of course you should come to the red carpet, maybe come as the media and interviewing us again"

Stefan could only smile because he kept looking at his watch which showed it was almost 12 noon. The interview was officially done and they went back to the waiting room to get all of their stuff. He had to get ready to go to Robert's place but before that he wanted to buy some food for the staff there and also for Irene. Clarissa saw that her friend was busy cleaning up her belongings and only said "surely your schedule is very busy today to make you rush to get out of here" Stefan heard that just said without looking at the other person "yes, if I'm late , everyone will be late and they will have to add to their working hours" Clarissa just sighed "it is typical Stefan Luca, okay I'll get going, bye Stefan see you at the opening of the film" Clarissa just walked out from the waiting room and Chris helped Stefan to bring all of his bags.

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