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It's been a month since Irene's paparazzi problem. 

During that time, Irene had finished several parts of her songs with Andy and Joe via zoom call and met them both in their studio, she was very happy because her new song entered the top charts in several countries, maybe because her music video had Robert playing as her lover so everyone knew about Irene's song. 

Today was the day when the invitation to the premiere of Stefan's film took place and Rachel brought the hairstylist and makeup artist for Irene that she had ordered a month ago to Irene's apartment. Everyone look so busy with their stuff, even Olivia ordered food for everyone in her apartment. 

"Rach, I've bought some food, the person who delivered the food will be here soon." She informs Rachel who is busy picking a dress for her artist but Olivia hears a door knock that she assumes it is the delivery as she opens the door and it was Chris, Stefan manager with a big box in his hands. 

"Oh Chris, I thought you were already at the venue, come in" Chris entered the apartment and Rachel greeted him too "oh, I thought you were at the premiere, what's wrong Chris?" Chris answer "I'm here to give this to Irene, is she there?" Rachel nodded and took Chris to Irene's room. When Chris appeared at Irene's door, she was shocked and immediately got up from her seat with curlers over her hair, "Chris? What are you doing here?" Chris then gave the big box to Irene "Stefan told me to give this to you, he hopes you can wear this on the red carpet." Irene here is confused because Stefan didn't tell her anything about this "ok Chris, thank you and can you tell Rachel when will I have to go to the premiere" Chris then answer "oh, you will go with Stefan, so you will come to the hotel where Stefan is getting ready now and you two will leave in the same car." Irene was surprised by the sudden information from Chris "so I'm going to the hotel where all the actors and actresses from the film are?" Chris nodded "that's right and you also made a cameo in that film, right? I just remembered that, maybe you will get an offer to play in a film and get to know several film directors and producers Irene, I will wait here for you until you are ready and we will go together to the hotel" 

Chris also left Irene's room and Irene was here still processing what had just happened then she opened the large box on her bed and found a pastel pinkish purple dress combined with white like a Disney Princess dress, even the makeup artist and hairstylist were shocked by the beautiful dress. 

"This dress is so gorgeous Irene, you should wear this" said Emma, her makeup artist, Irene nodding at her "of course, this is so beautiful." as she sit back because her makeup still hadn't finished yet 'how did he know I love that color combination?' she said to herself. Olivia went into Irene's room because she wanted to give her food, and accidentally saw the dress in a neat box. Olivia looked at Irene and almost screamed "that dress is very beautiful Irene! I would be so jealous if only... eh, nothing." Olivia giggling while giving her food. "if only what Liv" asks Irene while she gets her makeup done, "nothing, I was just mumbling for myself, eat the food because after this you should get going to the hotel like Chris said" Irene immediately ate the food given by Olivia because she felt hungry after she finish her food, her make-up and hair were neat and already done, she asked for their help to wear the dress that Stefan had given her.

Irene was ready with the dress she had worn and everyone had finished cleaning up everything from Irene's room. Olivia and Rachel saw that the dress Irene was wearing looked very gorgeous and beautiful. 

"Oh my god, you look amazing Irene!" says Olivia while Rachel claps her hands being proud at Irene "this dress looks so gorgeous than your music video's dress, Stefan's choice for this dress is kinda good, to be honest" Chris smiled because someone else was praising Stefan, Irene blushed with everyone's praise, she looked at Chris "Chris, I'm ready, Rachel is coming too, right?" Rachel replied "Of course, I will come with you, you are my responsibility." Rachel immediately took the high heels that Irene kept because she rarely wore shoes like that from the shoe racks. "I've brought these high heels, and I also brought you usual sandals so that when you come home after the party your feet will feel comfortable." 

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