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There was a lot of talk and news about Stefan and the mysterious woman in the restaurant at that time, many people discussed and asked who exactly the mysterious woman was who Stefan took out of the restaurant and got into Stefan's car. When a photo without any sensor of the woman's face from the paparazzi spread widely, it was revealed that the woman with Stefan at the restaurant was Irene, a young singer who was rumored to have a romantic relationship with an actor, Robert Johnson because they met several times outside of Robert's schedule.



From the insider, she is a young singer from Indonesia, Irene Williams that has been spotted several times with Robert Johnson and to be rumored as his girlfriend.

The headline of an article on the internet that is widely circulated nowadays makes Stefan contact his manager and his agency to erase one picture with Irene's face and change the headline on the internet because Stefan didn't want her name to be on any news about him because of the scandal with Jessica. Then, he look at his phone there is Irene's name on his message, so he text her back before he goes to his photoshoot with a fashion brand.


Hi Stefan, are you okay? I mean the news, Olivia just told me about it and now Rachel is busy because of that news.

He looking at her message, Stefan just shaking his head because the girl was worried about him instead of worrying about her own name being carried away by useless news like that.


You should be the one who worries about that news Irene, it's like my usual day, don't worry about that. Don't think too much of it, it'll pass.


Honestly, now I'm afraid of this whole paparazzi things, well I shouldn't be afraid but Olivia said that It'll be hard for you.


Chris and my agency are already handling things and tell Rachel to call my manager, Chris to have more information about this useless news and don't change your mind for the plus one, Irene.


I will and for the plus one, I'll keep that because now we are friends and I shall help my friend and also I already told Rachel about it and I don't have any schedule that day.

Stefan read a word 'we are friend' from Irene making him smile not widely but he smile at his phone.


Okay, I have to go now and thanks for letting me know.


Sure thing, bye.



After ending his conversation with Irene, he rushed to his car because he was late and Chris didn't come with him because Stefan asked to meet him directly at the photo shoot. He was driving his own car but he knew that the paparazzi were already in front of his apartment and following him right behind his car. Even though he and Chris had said before moving that no one should follow Stefan's residence but they couldn't be told and neither were humans who weren't like humans. Usually Stefan doesn't turn on the radio in his car, but he turns on the radio because Irene likes listening to songs on the radio, like the first time they went out just the two of them for dinner. The song being played on the radio now is called Daylight from Taylor Swift, one of Irene's favorite singers. Yes, Stefan knows because Stefan always sees Irene's stories on his social media. 

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