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Irene was getting ready to meet Olivia at her university, she was wearing a simple outfit, a white t-shirt with leather jacket and blue jeans as she on the way to meet Olivia, she told her on text message that there were many people in the campus area because someone was shooting a movie. Olivia asked her when she arrive at her campus bus stop, she had to call Olivia so she could pick up Irene at the bus stop. When almost arriving at the bus stop near Olivia's university, Irene saw lots of vehicles and paparazzi waiting outside the university, she also wondered whether she could enter and not disturb their activity right now. When she arrive at the bus stop, Irene immediately call Olivia, but she didn't receive her call, so she give her several messages so she can pick up or look at her phone. "Maybe Olivia is in class, I should just wait at the cafe around here" thought Irene while sending another message to Olivia where she would be waiting for her. Irene look for a cafe near the bus stop to sit down while waiting for Olivia to show up and she ordered iced coffee milk as usual, she waiting for Olivia while sipping her iced coffee. After about 20 minutes of waiting, Olivia is see jogging up to Irene and the one who is approaching her just smile seeing her friend too excited as usual. 

Olivia sat down and immediately take Irene's iced coffee and drink it almost out of breath, "Sorry, I'll buy another iced coffee later okay" Olivia held her breath and wiped her sweat. Irene also asked "what have you been up to? why did you run here, usually you never run like that" Olivia just nodded her head and was still catching her breath "I saw Robert Johnson, the handsome actor near my campus building, and I just saw your message then, that's why I ran here" Olivia was interested in the fact that Robert Johnson was here. "Maybe Robert is here because he is working for Olivia and maybe he can be here for days". They ended up going back to the University because they want to see Robert and other actors, maybe take photos of Robert just for their own personal collection. 

When they were near the filming area, they see a lots of students and people watching the shooting process with several paparazzi mingling with them. Irene was very surprised to see Stefan Luca at the shooting location, "Liv, why is Stefan here? Is he also in this film?" Olivia just shrugged her shoulders indicating that she didn't know about that. They were looking at the shooting process, suddenly surprise by the greeting of someone wearing a shirt and vest with a staff sign in it. "Hello, sorry to disturb your time, but do you –" while pointing at Irene " – with brown hair can be a volunteer as an extra in this film? We are currently short of extras for the next scene, if you mind, we will pay you as if" Irene was a bit confuse by the sudden offer from one of the film's staff while looking at Olivia who was already smiling and nodding her head excitedly, then Irene replies "yes I can help you" the staff also looked relieve when Irene agree to this. Her manager should have answered something like that but Rachel wasn't with them now so Irene said yes. The staff immediately escorted Irene to where all the extra cast members gathered and one of the staff for makeup approach Irene for to do her job, it turned out that her clothes matched the scene where Irene would act as a customer at that coffee shop, so she doesn't have to change up her outfit but adding a little bit more makeup to Irene's face.

While waiting for her turn, it turned out that one of the extras knew Irene and was a little hysterical when she saw his favorite singer in front of him. "Oh my God, Irene? Are you really Irene Williams? Why are you here? It's just like a dream that I could meet my favorite singer here" said the guy to Irene with all of his excitement. Irene, who had never met her fans in person, looked surprised "Really? I didn't expect to meet someone who recognized me. I was asked to be an extra in the cafe scene, I've never been an extra, am I looking nervous?" the man shook his head "of course not, I hope you do well, later you will definitely be told what to do there. Don't they know that they brought in a famous singer to be their extra?" said the man, many of them looked at both of them and heard all the words of the man. Irene replied "I'm not a famous singer like that, I'm just an ordinary person like you" then the man added his name "Fred" Irene continued to say "Fred, I'm just an ordinary girl" they both laughed, but one of the staff heard all the conversations between the two of them and immediately approached Irene "excuse me miss, may I ask what is your name?" Irene greeted the staff and said "my name is Irene, ma'am" several additional cast members one by one disappeared from the gathering place to be shot, leaving Irene and two girls there. "Sorry if I was presumptuous listening to your conversation earlier, is it true that you are a singer? If so, you have to tell your manager because we will send additional fee through your agent later" Irene then gives her manager's numbers to the talent coordinator who she is talking to, after that she get call to her first ever filming scene. 

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