Chapter 5

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Haeun wokeup and looked at Seokjin who was sleeping beside her , the words of Yoongi were repeating in her mind

' even the....prince consort? '

'......yes '

' Jin , I'm sorry . You're a good guy but I can't love you '

As she caressed his hair , Jin wokeup and looked at her " Haeun....are you okay? Is your wound hurting? "

She leaned over him " Jin why are you so nice to me ? "

" I....I..." Jin looked away from her nervously , Haeun smiled " Tell me do you like the Haeun from before or the Haeun now ? " she said leaning close to his neck and kissing it " B...Both..." . " Be honest " Jin sighed as he closed his eyes shut " the one now " .

Haeun smiled and moved away " let's have supper " . Jin nodded

' I can't let my relationships get into my path . I might even hurt you , if only I wouldn't have to fight for the throne and your surname wasn't Lee , if only weren't stuck in this palace '


outside in the backyard of Chaewon's chamber in west wing Yoongi sighed .

' I don't understand why the princess asked me to steal a dagger....I should leave before anyone notices '

" What should I do? "

Yoongi stopped , it was Chaewon . He peaked inside the room it was chaewon with a woman

" Don't worry , I'll handle this matter tomorrow "

" then I'll have to thank you Advisor Lee"

" Haeun have changed alot recently , aren't you afraid she might have the idea of stealing your position? "

" haeun? What is she going to compete with against me ? She mustn't think that being married to Seokjin would be beneficial to her somehow . Seokjin would come back to me sooner or later . After I take the throne , I will make her see him coming back to my side and becoming my emperor "


Haeun looked up and saw Yoongi entering in her chamber

" Yoongi....did you do the work I asked you to ? "

He nodded " But..."  he glanced at Seokjin who frowned " should I leave ? " Jin asked glancing at Haeun who looked at Yoongi curiously " No , No prince consort it's fine "

' It's important but I say it " Yoongi thought standing there glaring at Haeun who was busy stuffing snacks


Next morning , royal knights entered the North wing to bring Haeun to the court

" Third princess murdered the concubine of the Crown princess . Advisor Lee has asked for her highness's presence in the court for judgement "

Jungkook smiled at them " Third princess is not here " the knight frowned " where is she ? " she snaped at him . Jungkook's smile widened " Oh nothing , just went to meet the empress " their eyes widened as they looked at him in shock and fear . They were Chaewon's personal gaurds .


Chaewon stood outside the throne room
' mother has been so sick , she wouldn't meet anyone unless it's important . Why would she suddenly call for me ? I have a bad feeling '

She entered inside and stride towards the throne where the empress was sitting ' Huh...what can she even do I'm the Crown princess '  she bowed but stumbled back when she was punched out of no where , she looked up . It was Empress's servant Lan , Chaewon looked at the woman towering over her

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