Chapter 17

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Haeun pulled away and Yoongi frowned as he pulled her closer , Haeun saw the empty bottle and she frowned and turned to Yoongi " Are you drunk?"

" No I'm not drunk ! " And he pulled her closer as he kissed her , Haeun's eyes widen as she tried to pull away , Yoongi pushed her back and hovered over her .
" Yoongi stop it !! Wait !! " Yoongi glared at her " WHY!! " Haeun smiled nervously at him " We are in public.....and you don't want this . You're drunk..." Yoongi scoffed and narrowed his eyes at her .
" You publicaly roam your hands over me ! You called me your man infront of the empress ! Hell everyday you annoy the fuck out of me by YOONGI MARRY ME ! and now that I want to kiss you , you won't let me? That shorty Jimin can kiss you? " Yoongi pouted and Haeun was surprised , the hell was this? She never knew Yoongi had this side to him . Yoongi laid over her and put his head in the crook of her neck " You're so warm....I don't wanna leave you . Why do you make me forget the rules I set for myself? I don't want to be like those men in your Harem but why does my heart hurts everytime they call you their wife ? Why does everytime you come close to someone else my heart hurts? Haeun....why? " Haeun laid there shocked....she never thought Yoongi felt this way " Yoongi..." She felt warm breaths on her neck and moved a bit and saw he had already fell asleep .

' Sorry Yoongi...' she caressed his hairs and he pulled her closer " How did he get this drunk? The wine wasn't that hard " She picked the bottle and checked it and her eyes widen at the labble below the bottle .

' Jungkook's special wine '

" That little brat drinks? Huh and Jin says you're a little baby . My ass little baby , a little devil you're "

The bottle fell from her hand and she looked at Yoongi who was now up and  looking at her with hooded eyes " You....I thought you slept " Yoongi glared at her and switched their positions and now Haeun was over him " You kissed others like this? Did you?"

" Yoongi.." Haeun was cutoff as Yoongi pulled her face closer and bit her lips and held her jaw " Fucking just tell me !"
Haeun was shocked , what's way is this of asking something? But it is hot .
" Yeah..." She looked away and he turned her face back to him " What else do you do? Do they like it? Do you hug them to sleep? " Haeun cupped his face and he closed his eyes as he leaned his face in her hand " Haeun....why do I feel so sad when I think about it? Why do I feel envious them ? " He opened his eyes as he looked up at her " I'm sorry Yoongi...but Don't ever think that I was joking when I asked you to marry , I will never play with your feelings like that . I know that I hurt you and I apologize for it " Yoongi glanced at her lips as he gulped and looked deep into her eyes , Haeun could see everything through his eyes that he hide behind that cold and indifferent facade " Then love me like I'm your man" and he smashed his lips into her and Haeun kissed him back , his hands moved under her shirt as they wrapped around her waist pulling her closer .


' Fuck ! Why does my head hurt so bad ?'
Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around and his frown deeped at his surroundings , he sat up and massaged his temple as he closed his eyes . The pounding in his head lessed as he looked around and his eyes widen when he realised where he is ' Why am I in her room? ' Memories from last night flashed through his mind as his eyes widen ' What did I do? Fuck !! '

He turned his head to the side and saw himself in the mirror shirtless .
He got off the bed in panic  and sighed when he saw he still had his pants on , he looked down at his arm and saw the red mole still there . He bit his lips as he frowned , should he feel good that she didn't do anything or....

His thoughts were interupted when Jungkook entered the room and grinned at him with a teasing look while Yoongi blushed when he realised their are hickies on his neck ' Didn't do the whole thing but left me with these marks !! Haeun you're a demon '

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