Chapter 22

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PLEASE NOTE : taehyung met original Haeun when he was 14 and she 9 .


" At the age of 12 " Taehyung could see the flashed of that day , how he screamed for held but no one was there to help him .

No !! Save me !! Let me go please !!

No!! It's hurting ! Please stop !!

How that day the child inside him died " I was dragged away into an alley by some women " he still remebers how they were laughing .

Haeun felt a sting in her heart at his words , he sounded too calm about it .

" As an unmarried boy who lost his virginity , I was a disgrace my family .
I could only be a plaything for someone"

You must've seduced them !!

You're a shame to our family !!

Why didn't you just died?

Why did you go out alone?


No one tried to find out who did it , all they cared about was the shame they had to go through but what about the little boy who didn't even know what's his fault .

" My family sold me off to a woman as her concubine , she was town governor.
It was a time I don't want to remember "

Come ,let me taste you...

Taehyung moved back as tears fell from his eyes , his body was trembling .

You little vixen....

The woman smirked as she pushed him on the bed .

His soul burned at that memory , every part of his body , he felt tainted . Not because he thinks he's impure but because he could feel her filthy touch .

" But after few months she passed away , everyone said I caused it . I was thirteen when my family was accused of committing the crime of treason . But I was given a chance "
He looked at her and saw the tears in her eyes " A chance to save my family in exhange of giving myself , I got to live as a young master of a noble family again . No one knew about my past "

For taehyung to be so calm about it , told Haeun that it wasn't that he was okay but just that all these years of pain and sorrow numbed his heart or maybe he got habitual to the pain that his inner child had went through .

" Like Seokjin , I also came from a noble family , I was also raised in the same way he was . I was naive and innocent , I also used to dream about marrying someone who would love me ,who will pamper me , who I could rely on . Who will not tell me my dreams are stupid and unrealistic but make them true .
" In two just two years , everything changed "

Taehyung stood up as he walked out to the courtyard , Haeun followed behind him " You know , everyone told me how I should die , how I don't deserve to live but..." He looked at her "...I want to live , I want to live a life they can't even imagine , I want to see them suffer "
He said as he clenched his jaw , he eyes were cold but Haeun knew it wasn't for her " Taehyung..."

" This snow , looks so beautiful.." he said looked up at the sky then looked back at her " But it's beauty is just covering the dirt underneath it " he came closer to her and held her hand , Haeun saw the vulnerability in his eyes as his searched for something in hers .
" Am I...dirty ? "

Haeun cupped his face and pulled him closer as she kissed the mole under his eye " Don't say this ever again , you were you are and you will always be pure . A virginity mark doesn't define your purity but your heart does , which I know is the most beautiful in this world , it's innocent "

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