Chapter 34

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Namjoon rushed inside the mansion and saw his mother who was already looking at him confused " Mother please help "
Duke Kim looked at him confused and worried " What happened ? " .

" Haeun...she...she's poisoned ! " Duke Kim's eyes widen as she got up and looked at Namjoon shocked " What?"
Hadn't she won the battle? When did this happen " How? What happened?"

" We recieved a letter from the Kang family , it was from Iseul , she informed us that she was poisoned by an arrow in the battle . Yoongi left with her to find the physician who can cure it , the physician at the army camp said that she might not...." Tears fell from his eyes .

" I can't go to her , but please can you go? Can you bring me with you? We have to go and see her , maybe we can also bring Royal physicians with us...." Namjoon looked at his mother who wasn't saying anything and seemed to be in deep thoughts " Mother? We have to leave "

Duke Kim frowned as she looked at Namjoon , she can't understand what happened to her son for him to behave like this , he haven't even been with Haeun for long before she left for battle .

" Are you a fool? You want to go there? For what? To collect her corpse? " Namjoon looked at his mother stunned , he didn't expect to hear this .

" She's my wife !! How can you say that ? !! Can't you understand? I need to go to her !! " He yelled as he glared at his mother , Duke Kim glared back at him .

" Fool , keep you voice down infront of me ! Have you forgotten all I taught you?
She must be already dead and they might be bringing her corpse , it's good that you came here or you would also become her widower . Everything I did went to waste? My one son is already in that Soomin's grasp , and you haven't even been married for a year yet and already became a widower? All my work and effort went into drain ! "

Namjoon looked blankly at his mother and felt immense disgust , even at this moment not about him but his mother is thinking about her benefits and loss?

" You're heartless " Duke Kim looked at him with a glare " My wife's life is in danger , my whole life is at stake , I came here to ask for your help but you're worried about you ambition? "

Duke Kim scoffed " wife? Have you forgotten why you married her? I don't care about you? Fool for your own good I'm telling you to not go ! Rather then becoming a widower , atleast if you stay here you can get remarried "

Namjoon glared at his mother , just this thought his burning his body " My wife is only Haeun ! I'm only her husband . I did a mistake by coming here , I'm going back to my home " He turned to leave but the knights blocked his way , he glared at them and turned to his mother .

" You're not going back ! I can't believe you lost you brain and became a useless dumbass after living with those fools in her harem " Duke Kim said as she ordered the knight and servants to lock Namjoon in his room and not let him leave .

Namjoon punched the knights but he couldn't fight back , he regretted coming here , he needs to leave , he wants to see her .


Haeun's snuggled in the warmth and she sighed , after a few minutes she realised it wasn't a blanket or pillow . She opened her eyes and was faced with a chest , she looked up and saw Yoongi who was asleep ' I'm He saved me? '

She looked around at the unfamiliar room and back at Yoongi , she noticed the wounds on his shoulder and pulled the blanket lower and saw his wound that weren't tend to .

' He brought me here in time but didn't even tend to his own wounds....he is sleeping so soundly , he must be tired , right after the battle he had to ride all the way here '

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