Chapter 9

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" Hyung please talk to mother , she doesn't want to see . If she didn't ask Her mejesty to get me married to the third princess , she will marry that Jimin "

Namgil looked at his younger brother and sighed " Namjoon why are in such a hurry? Even if the princess married that guy , wouldn't there still be a position for a side consort? Do you like her that much ? "

Namjoon blushed and looked away " as if I would like that good for nothing . My mother is the Duke , my uncle is the emperor and I'm from the Kim clan still she rejected me for a lowly courtesan .
How can I take this? Hyung you wouldn't understand me , you're married to the first princess and mother always feel proud and have expectations from you but me....even though I have talents.....even if I have knowledge , I'm not a pretty face . I'm not handsome like that courtesan third princess rejected me for.....maybe mother is right that I'm a good for nothing but still I want to marry a princess so I can show that I'm not "

" Namjoon !! You're not useless , you're perfect the way you're . You don't understand , marriage isn't as beautiful as it seems . Once you get caged inside this palace you wouldn't be able to leave until you die . The princesses are going to fight to death for the throne , why do you want to get into this mess? The current situation is really dangerous , let me be the pawn "

" You think I'm a fool? That I don't know anything? Tell me...." he stopped when he noticed the mark on Namgil's arm " How did this happen? "

Namgil pulled his hand away " Nothing , I just fell " Namjoon knew it wasn't from a fall but how did get them then?

" Namjoon , you can become the first consort if you marry someone outside the palace . The third princess already have so many men in her harem , why do still want to fight ? I'm a first consort but it's not that great , life of a side consort would be even worse . The others wouldn't mind harming you for their benefit and you would be used like a tool . I want you to live freely and feel's a beautiful thing but not everyone find it "

" Love? Who will love me? Even if my wife did she will forget me the second she saw a handsome man then me . That's why I want power , I want her to be addicted to me "

" You'll understand the value of love when you get married , then you will see that having your wife's love is the biggeat power "

" Oh Namjoon , you came to visit Namgil? " they both turned and saw Soomin standing at the door smiling at them , Namgil looked down and Namjoon stood up as he bowed to her .
" What were you guys talking about ? "

" We were just talking about the third princess's second consort , she have lost her mind to actually marry a lowly courtesan "


Jimin looked down as Hwan brushed his hair " What is it ? You don't seem happy .
Didn't you wanted to marry a princess? You will get everything you wished for , what's wrong then? "

" Father , marriage is a big thing for us men . Women's can marry as many men they want but we men....can only marry once "

Hwan shook his head " Jimin why are you so upset over her looks? You want to marry a princess but not her...why ? Because she isn't like other women's . The crown princess sits right in that image but would she want a courtesan?
Third princess has treated you the best you could get , what else do you want? "

Jimin stood up and turned to him " Do you really think I'm that type of a person father? Yes everyone calls her a good for nothing but she's not like that , she opened three stores in less than three months . Half of our clothing material and jewelry comes from her stores , she might not be like other but she have her own charms " Hwan looked at him confused " Why you unhappy then? "

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