Chapter 26

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" Who's there?" Jungkook's eyes widen as he heard Haeun's voice .

Haeun walked towards the place she heard the sound coming from , she looked up at the sky and saw some eagles " Where did these eagles came from? " she walked towards the pond .

" Ahhhhh !!! " Jungkook pouted as he covered his bare chest while half his body was inside water " Jungkook.." Haeun looked at him surprised .

" You're actually a pervert princess , yoongi hyung was right . You were watching me while I bathe ! "
Haeun scoffed as she looked at him crying like innocent little bunny .
" So you take bath in the middle of the night inside the pond in open ? "

Jungkook frowned internally " That doesn't matter ! I will tell Jin hyung everything  " Haeun narrowed her eyes at him " You're trying to threaten me with his name ? Do know one kiss and your hyung will be in my arms blushing"

" Go away ! Stop looking at me ! "
Haeun scoffed at his acting " Me? Looking at you? What's there to stare? "
She held his hand and pulled her towards herself , Jungkook looked at her surprised " If you're trying to seduce me try again in a few years , this skinny body....will not be able to handle me . Right now you just look like a little mermaid " Haeun watched as a drop of water sliped from his hair to his jaw and down his neck . She stood up " Hurry up and go back inside , don't stay here you'll catch a cold " and she left while Jungkook glared at her back .

' Skinny? Huh....I'm more powerful then you ! But what's a mermaid? What does that mean? '

He looked down at his hand , she held his hand so tightly....a blush creeped up his face and he shook his head and smacked himself .


Next morning Namjoon was looking around for his servant , he had went out yesterday saying he will bring the third princess but didn't return .

' She doesn't even come to meet she that mad at me? Why can't things good between us? She's so gentle with other '

He stopped when he jaw Jimin walking towards him with a smirk .
" You wokeup so early in the morning , looks like you slept good all night "

Namjoon glared at him understanding the hidden meaning behind his words and smirked " Unlike your delicate body I'm stronger , naturally by stamina is better then you fool " Jimin glared at him and pulled his sleeve up and flexed his muscles " See !! I'm not delicate and my wife loves me " Namjoon scoffed and pulled his sleeve up as he showed his muscles but what cought Jimin's eyes was the red mole , Namjoon realised it and covered it immediately , he cursed himself knowing he will start laughing . He looked at Jimin " Still I have better stamina , I'm a dancer " and Jimin left , Namjoon was shocked , why didn't he made fun of him? Jimin sighed as he walked away frowning , he was comfused why couldn't he taunt him...maybe because he knows how hurtful that virginity mark can feel after marriage .


" Your majesty " The empress looked at the person , she was a member of night ravens " Speak " the empress's eyes turned dark as she listened .

" oh what a timing , since the Lee family have such thought....I can't let him stay there anymore "

She looked at Lan who nodded understanding what the empress meant.


Inside the imperial court , Advisor Lee looked at Chaewon " Regarding the defeat and casualties our Kingdom suffered against Zaveri Kingdom , do you have anything to say Crown princess "

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