Chapter 5 - The Skip Day

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Before I knew it, lunch was here. The school day seemed to fly by today. Farah suggested instead of eating lunch at our usual place by our tree, that we eat in the cafeteria. I already knew the only reason she wanted to eat in that hellscape was to see Dick. I couldn't fault her either, I really wanted to talk to Jason and see him too. I actually wanted to see the entire crew. They were all so nice yesterday and I hoped they liked me as much as I liked them.

Entering the cafeteria reminded me instantly why I hated eating there. It was too loud and too crowded. Farah grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the back of the cafeteria. As we pass everyone I start to realize that a lot of eyes are on us. It's strange being noticed like this. Two days ago people wouldn't have even given me a second glance. I don't like it, their eyes feel like bugs crawling on my skin. I see The Crew's table and I finally realize where Farah is dragging me to. The only people at the table are Donna, Barbra, and Dick. I halt in my tracks. Farah looks back at me with a questioning look on her face.

"Imani, let's go!" She pulls on my arm to try and drag me towards their lunch table but I shake my head no and pull back.

"Farah! We can't just sit with them if we weren't invited. It's The Crew! Sure they hung out with us yesterday but that doesn't mean we have a personal invitation to just join their group!" I say nervously.

"Girl, Dick kissed me like he was dying and I was his last meal this morning. I don't think they will care that we sit with them at lunch. I promise you they won't give a shit," My best friend gives me a deadpan look. I sigh and let her drag me over to them.

Donna was the first one to spot us coming over. She beamed and waved us over. That calmed my nerves a bit. Dick was next to spot us, he stopped scrolling on his phone and then grinned as Farah made her way over to him. We stop in front of their table and Farah speaks up.

"Hey, guys. Can we sit with y'all?"

"Sure!" Barbra said happily. "There's plenty of chairs so sit anywhere."

I sat in the seat next to Barbra. My best friend decided to sit on Dick Grayson's lap instead of a chair like a normal human being would. I don't know when she got so bold. Two days ago she couldn't even talk to a boy without freaking out and now she's plopping herself down on her crush's lap. I stared at her in shock and she looked at me like it was no big deal. Dick planted a kiss on her cheek and her neck then went back to looking at his phone, as if this was an everyday occurrence. Farah leaned back and rested herself against his chest and he wrapped his free arm around her waist holding her in place.

"Um, when the hell did that happen?" Donna asked pointing at the two of them.

"Girl, I don't even know," I sighed. The girls both laughed a little and turned to me.

"So, what costume are you gonna wear to the party?" Barbra asked me excitedly.

"I was thinking of going as Red Hood. I think he's a cool hero," I shrugged. Both girls whipped their heads towards Dick. He nodded in understanding.

"I know! What a crazy coincidence," He said grinning. Again with the Red Hood thing. I don't know what the big deal was. Was it a dumb costume or something? Did someone call dibs on him already? Was Jason really such a huge fan of the guy that every time someone brought him up it was funny?

"Okay guys for real what the big deal with Red Hood? Is it a bad costume idea? I was also thinking I could be a dressed-down version of Princess Tiana," I said panicky. Donna shook her head.

"No! No, it's just, an inside joke. It's a little hard to explain," She said sheepishly. I didn't buy that for one second but as long as the topic was dropped I was fine with that explanation.

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