Chapter 8 - The Nook

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The nook is in a pretty secluded area of the library. It's near the back of the second floor so not many people go there. That's why it's my favorite place to go in the entire building. It's a small room that has couches covered in pillows and blankets. But my favorite part of the area is the window nook. It's what the room was named after since it's the most popular spot to sit at. I led Jason into the room and gestured around.

"Ta-da. This is The Nook." I said cheerfully.

"It's comfy." Jason said, sitting down at the window nook. I sat next to him and plopped my bookbag on the ground. I pulled out my school planner and looked at what I had due and what tests were coming up that I had to work on.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Oh, it's my planner for school. It has all the things I have to do in it. So that I can keep up." I showed him my planner so he can get a better look. He points to next Friday.

"Why the star?" He asked over my shoulder.

"That's the day of the party. Conner's Halloween party."

"Oh I forgot about that shit." He sighed. He hugged me around my waist and pulled me into his chest. My heart started beating a mile a minute. "I don't even think I want to go anymore."

"Aw, why not?" I asked, craning my head up to look at him. He looked back down at me.

"I hate parties."

"Why? I've never been to one so all I know is what I've seen in movies and read in books."

"They're fun if you like drinking and acting stupid. But drinking gets tedious after you wake up with too many hangovers."

"And acting stupid?"

"I never act stupid." He smiled and I laughed.

"I think I'll still go. I need to go to at least one high school party in my life." I shrugged. I started writing some notes while Jason watched me.

"They're overrated."

"I'll decide that when I go."

"You're cute." he said. My face heated up at the compliment. He leaned back against the wall and I leaned back with him against his chest. It was nice. I was in between his legs and his warmth enveloped me. Jason still seemed a little tired, his eyes were closed so I decided to finish my homework quietly. I was able to finish two classes worth of work before my shift was over.

Jason was sleeping soundly and I felt bad for waking him up but I had to. His arms were still gripping me and I needed to get up to clock out. I tapped his arm softly but all that did was make him hug me harder.

"Jason," I whispered. He stirred softly, eyes still closed.

"Hmm?" He murmured faintly.

"I have to clock out."

"Two more minutes," He buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"If I wait anymore my boss is going to get mad at me. They hate it when I stay too long." I patted his head softly, running my fingers through his hair. He sighed but unwrapped his arms. I started packing my bag and heading out of the nook. He was close behind me. Before we reached the staff room I ran into my least favorite co-worker Oliver.

"Hey Imani!" He said cheerfully. Oliver was one of the new guys at work. He's also overly friendly and very handsy sometimes. He's short and skinny, and he has the world's greasiest hair.

"Oh... hi Oliver." I gripped my backpack strap hard and gave a forced smile. I could feel Jason's heat at my back so I wasn't too worried about being alone with the creep.

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