Chapter 24 - The Return to School

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Okay so, I may have overreacted how much people would care about me being kidnapped. Apparently over the two weeks I was absent, there was a promposal so out of this world it made everyone forget what happened at the Halloween party. I was also able to catch up on work pretty fast. My teachers were very understanding. For some reason I think it had to do with the Wayne's I started to hang out with.

On the third day of me being back in the world, for lunch we decided to eat off campus. We drove to a fast food burger joint and ate there. The food was greasy and 100 percent not healthy. But damn, was it good. Jason and I were eating in his car, while the rest of The Crew were eating at a picnic table nearby.

"So how come in costume you have the white streak, but out of costume your hair is all black?" I asked Jason. I popped a fry in my mouth while I waited for his answer.

"Temporary hair wax. It would be pretty obvious I was the Red Hood if I sported the white streak even out of costume so Bruce made me dye my hair when I go to school."

"Huh, I always thought the white added on. I didn't know that was natural. I like the white streak though. Really adds to the costume." I pop another fry in my mouth.

"Thanks. But it wasn't natural." His brow furrowed in a frown as he absently picked at his food. Something was off, I could tell.

"What do you mean?" My voice softened with concern.

"Don't want to get into that story right now. Maybe another day." He ran his hands through his hair. His troubled expression never leaves his face. I was going to ask him when that other day will be, but Farah knocked on the window interrupting me. I rolled down the window.

"How can I help you, bestie?" I asked.

"Stop smooching and exit the vehicle." Farah reached into the car and unlocked the door. She swung it open really hard and then stared at me for a second while I gawked at her. Who does she think was smooching in here? 

Farah and Tim were the only ones who knew about me and Jason's budding relationship. Farah knew because I told her everything, and Tim knew because the kid is a literal genius. He's like a detective mastermind. All Jason and I did was walk into the cafeteria together the day I came back. Not even holding hands or anything, and then Tim texted me asking if we were together. That kid is scary.

"Girl, no one was smooching in this car." I rolled my eyes but got out of the car either way.

"No one was today." Jason mumbled under his breath. My face heated up in embarrassment. I smacked his arm and all he did was chuckle and walk towards the group.

"You slut." Farah whispered.

"Shut up whore."

We walked over to The Crew who was all huddled around Tim's iPad watching a live stream of a police chase. Farah looks at the screen and her face drops into a panic.

"Um, what's happening?" I asked concerned. Farah's rapid change in demeanor made my stomach flip.

"Deathstroke escaped Blackgate and is on the loose." Dick stated. My blood ran cold. All of a sudden I was back there again, in that basement tied up to the chair. The air felt thick, suffocating, as if every breath I took was a struggle against an invisible force closing in around me. Panic gripped me in its icy embrace, squeezing the air from my lungs until all I could do was gasp for breath.The man who had stolen my freedom, who had held me captive in a nightmare of fear and despair, was out.

"Oh my God." I stumbled backwards. "How?"

"We don't know." Dick answered grimly. I needed to get out of here. Being out in the open is too dangerous. What if he's coming back to get me? I was the one who foiled his plan. He would have a grudge.

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