Epilogue - The Rich Boy

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"Jason, you don't have to visit me every weekend you know." I grin as my boyfriend climbs into my Gotham University dorm room from my window. Just like in high school. He clamors into my room and haphazardly sheds his red hood mask on the floor.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't come see you?" He kisses my forehead. I roll my eyes but I can't fight the grin from leaving my face.

"We could've seen each other everyday if you just came to GU with me." I pout.

He pokes my cheek, "Bunny, you know I couldn't. I wanted to, but crime fighting comes first."

"Your education should come first. Bruce agrees with me, you know."

"It's weird how you speak to my Dad." He shivers.

"He's a great conversationalist." I shrug. "Don't change the subject! If you enroll right now you could start next semester and we could graduate together!"

"Maybe if you give me a kiss I'll consider it." He dropped his forehead to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer. I gripped his face and turned his head so I could lay a kiss on his cheek.

"You know that's not what I meant." He grumbled.

"You only get a real one when you really consider coming to school. You and your aggravating older brother need to realize that education comes first. What happens when you get old and wrinkly and won't be able to fight crime anymore?"

He laughs and lets go of me before collapsing on my desk chair. "I'll probably have my college educated equally old and wrinkly wife take care of me." He grins at me.

My heart beats fast in my chest as my face heats up. This isn't the first time Jason has joked about marrying me. And everytime he does my brain turns to mush and my heart starts dancing erratically in my rib cage.

"S-Stop playing around." I clear my throat. "Really consider what I'm saying J. I think it would be cool if we graduate together twice."

"We always have this conversation Imani and we never can agree. High school I had to go to so I could keep up appearances. But a lot of rich kids don't go to college." He says shedding his leather jacket. "The only one of us who needs to really go to college is Damian."

"Why Dami?"

"He's the heir." Jason tousled his hair.

"Oh, makes sense. Maybe you should go to college so that he knows what to do. Like how you guys passed down the mantle of Robin." I stood next to him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Okay. Okay. I give up. What if I start with a couple classes and see how well I can balance college and crime fighting?" He sighs in defeat.

I squeal and jump on his lap and pepper kisses all over his face. He laughs and holds me while I smother his face in love. "This is great J! Now we can both be old and wrinkly and college educated."

"I wonder what my major should be." Jason contemplates.

"Maybe criminal justice. Seems fitting." I play with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Maybe a little too obvious."

"Law? Like Bruce."

"Sounds boring." He kisses my cheek.

"You could do Biology like me."

"Sounds more boring." He intertwined our fingers together. "This college thing is already making me want to drop out and I haven't even started yet."

"It does that to a lot of people. I've only been here for one semester and I already want to leave. But at least winter break is coming up! That means we can hang out everyday."

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