Chapter 12 - The Basement Games

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 After about 20 minutes everyone who wants to play is in the basement. It's a bunch of people I don't know, our friend group (I have a friend group! wow!), and the three boys from the mall. The basement was pretty cool, there were two couches and a bunch of mismatched chairs.

Most people were sitting on the floor but I was sitting next to Jason on one of the couches. He had a protective arm around my shoulders, which I loved by the way. He must've been worried about that Eric guy from the mall. Eric kept glancing at us every couple of seconds while we waited for the game to start. I think he wanted to talk to me but Jason's glare held him in place. Once the effect of the glare seemed to be wearing off, Jason wrapped the arm around my shoulder. After that Eric stopped looking over at us.

"You know, you're being a major cock block right now." I tease. Jason smiles and pulls me closer to him.

"Good. These guys are losers." He mumbles looking around the room. I roll my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder. I think all the weed in the air and the lack of food in my stomach is making me dizzy and tired.

"You okay Bunny?" Jason asks me softly.

"Yeah J. Just a bit tired I guess. Long day." I fake yawn to sell my lie. I know for a fact if I tell Jason the weed is getting to me he'd drag me out of the party no questions asked. And I need to at least try a beer before I leave.

A girl with bright pink hair walks around handing everyone a cup of a suspicious pink liquid. I sniff the contents of the cup and get a nose full of alcohol. Whatever is in this cup is strong. Jason takes a sip and cringes.

"Gross, it's Pink Whitney." He grumbles.

"Pink what?" I ask, sitting up a bit looking at him.

"It's a shit type of vodka."

"Oh ok." I lean back down on Jason's shoulder. Once the pink haired girl is done handing everyone a drink she walks to the front of the room and claps loudly to get everyone's attention. It works too because the whole room goes silent. The only noise is the bumping of the music upstairs.

"Oh! I didn't think that would actually work..." pink haired girl says. "So anyway, we're gonna start Truth or Dare now. If you don't want to play just let us know when someone calls on you but since you're down here I'm guessing you want to play. Here's how it's gonna work. You can't do three truths in a row, and if you don't do a dare or don't answer a truth you gotta drink."

So that explains the pink vodka she was passing around.

"But that doesn't give you guys an excuse to be weird. Like I don't want to hear any questions about sex or something." A boy in the corner of the room boos at her. She waves him off and continues talking. "Yeah we all know you're a weirdo Jack."

The group erupts into laughter except for our friend group. I guess this Jack guy is known for being a perv.

"Let's get this game started! I'll go first." Pink hair's eyes roam around the room before stopping on Roy. She points at him and grins."You. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Roy says without hesitation.

"Oooh you're fun. I dare you to show a picture of your crush to the whole group." Pink hair smiles deviously. The whole rooms ooohs and awws. Roy pales for a half a second then pulls out his phone and snaps a picture in me and Jason's direction. Jason stiffens and I sit up and gasp. Roy avoids eye contact with everyone then sheepishly shows his phone to the group. The picture on his screen was Jason looking bored.

"He's just so handsome." Roy fake cries. I pick up a pillow and chuck it full force at his head. He falls over in laughter and the whole room erupts into a raucous laughter as well. I roll my eyes and put a hand over my heart. I really thought that he was going to show a picture of me for a second there.

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