Chapter 23 - The Titans

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"So, you guys are superheroes." I twiddled my thumbs as I looked over my friends. Everyone was gathered in the gaming room.

"Uh, yeah." Donna scratched the back on her head sheepishly.

"Cool cool cool." I patted my legs awkwardly.

Farah spoke up, excitedly, "Can you guys introduce me to Zatanna?"

"Probably. She's always fucking here." Damian muttered, annoyed.

"Why the fuck is he here?" Jason pointed at Damian.

"I live here imbecile."

"Can you two shut the fuck up?" Dick glared at his brothers. He then gestured for us to continue.

"Are you guys all in the Titans?"

"We all once were. Well everyone but Jason." Donna answers. My eyes go to Jason, who's standing across the room against the wall. His eyes were stuck to his shoes. I'll try and ask him about it later. If he'll even tell me.

"Can you introduce me to Cyborg?!" Farah was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"He's off-world right now." Donna explains. My eyebrows shoot up into my hairline.

"Off-world?" I sit up in my seat. Dick opens his mouth to answer my question but is interrupted by a hand shooting out to stop him.

"Classified." Damian interrupts. My eyes flit over to Jason again. Another question I need answered. Damian looked at me as if I committed a grave sin. I have a feeling he doesn't like me very much. Why, I don't know.

"They already know who we are. It doesn't matter Damian." Barbara leaned back on the couch, eyeing Damian with a hint of annoyance.

"They don't need to know everything. Some things are allowed to be secret." He crossed his arms across his chest, his icy glare never leaving my face. Normally, this probably would've shook me, but Jason's glare was much more intimidating than his little brother's.

I shrugged. "I don't need to know. I was just curious." Damian scoffed and finally looked away. Dick reached out and smacked his brother in the back of the head.

"Any other questions?" Donna smiles softly at me and Farah.

I shake my head no, "For now, I'm okay."

"Same." Farah nods.

"Great!" Donna stands up from the couch and claps her hands excitedly. "Just Dance?"

It took my mom two weeks after the attempted kidnapping to let me go back to school

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It took my mom two weeks after the attempted kidnapping to let me go back to school. After I went home from my weekend stint at the Wayne Manor, my mother was too scared to let me out of the house. I was basically locked up 24/7. Which I didn't mind. It was hard to admit but I was also scared of being back out in the world so soon. I almost died. So being in the house did allow me some sort of comfort.

My mother went to work after the second day I was back. She didn't want to, but we need money to live. I wasn't lonely though. Farah called me every morning, her parents also wanted her to stay home so these phone calls were how we stopped ourselves from losing our minds. And everynight I got a visit from the Red Hood.

While on his patrol he would stop by my fire escape and knock to be let in. Some nights we talked until the sun came up. Some nights we just laid together silently enjoying each other's company. It was nice. And tonight, like clockwork, I got a knock on my window.

I closed the book I was reading and padded over to my window and pried it open. Jason climbed into my room and took the hood off, tossing it on my rug.

"Hey Bunny," He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. A flower bloomed in my stomach when he did. We never really talked about what we were. I just knew that we... were. I was too scared to ask any questions about our budding relationship. It was too fragile and I was afraid poking it too much would shatter it.

"Hey Red Hood." I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my head on his chest. Jason's gloved hands ran through my hair.

"How was your day? Anything exciting happen?" He kissed my cheek softly.

"Same old, same old. I finished that new book I bought and studied more French. That was about it for me. How about you?"

"I stopped a mugging and an armed robbery."

I released Jason and placed a hand on my hip, "Always have to try and one up me huh?" He smiles gently and pokes my cheek.

"Sorry, it's in my nature." He grins. I playfully roll my eyes at him but I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"Are you nervous to go back to school tomorrow?" He asked softly. I sighed, I don't know what I'm feeling. Unbridled terror? Maybe. Weird overwhelming calm? Also maybe.

"Kinda. I'm nervous about how far behind I am at this point. My grades must be horrible." The thought of a C on my report card sent shivers down my spine.

"I was talking more emotionally, but grades are important too I guess." He laughs. I knew what he meant. I just hated thinking about it. I don't know what my emotions are. I just know I don't want to think about them.

"I'm not too nervous. Well, not anymore. I watched a bunch of videos on how to manage anxiety after a traumatic experience. And I have an appointment set up with the school's therapist." I sit on my couch and hug one of my many pillows to my chest.

"Is she any good?" Jason plops down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I place my head on his shoulder and start to feel myself relax.

"Fuck if I know. But the school is so rich I'd be surprised if the therapist didn't fix me in three days flat." I fought off a yawn.

"You don't need fixing, Bunny. You're not broken." Jason placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You're sweet." The sleepiness was starting to win.

"Don't tell anyone." He whispered in my ear. I giggled a little before yawning again. "Tired already Imani? I just got here?" His grin made me roll my eyes.

"We stayed up too late last night talking. It messed with my sleep schedule."

"Then go to sleep, Bunny." Jason tried to stand up but I gripped him hard.

"Nooo. I can stay awake, I promise." I pouted. He looked down at me for a second then cupped my cheeks.

"You're so fucking cute." He kissed me then stood up. "But we have school tomorrow. So no staying up late tonight." He grabbed his mask off the floor. I protested but the man wouldn't take no for an answer.

"See you tomorrow." Was the last thing he said before disappearing into the night. I begrudgingly got myself ready for bed. Unfortunately Jason was right, I needed sleep if I was supposed to get through school tomorrow. Me and Farah hanging out with the crew was old news at this point. But us getting kidnapped? That was the front page. I knew the eyes on us would be unbearable. The thought made me want to vomit.

Didn't matter though. I had to go back at some point so I might as well rip the bandaid off and get it over with. I willed my eyes closed and prayed for sleep to overtake me. 

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