Chapter 13 - The Advice

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Monday's suck. But Monday's suck even more when you have work after school and the boy you like is avoiding you after giving you the world's best kiss. After I went back inside the house to the party I was ambushed by the girls. I told them the truth, that me and Jason kissed again. They were excited for me but I begged them not to bring it up to Jason. They agreed.

We all stayed for a couple more hours, dancing and having a good time. I finally got to try beer, it was disgusting. I danced with Barbra and Farah for a couple of songs and that was fun. But at around 1 A.M we all decided to call it a night and head back to Donna's place. Jason didn't text me that night. I texted him to tell him I was back at Donna's and all he did was heart the message. He didn't text me Sunday morning either. I was starting to think that he regretted the kiss. As soon as Monday morning hit and he wasn't waiting for me at my locker, I knew he was avoiding me.

Once lunch started to loom over my head I wondered where I could hide to avoid sitting at The Crew's table. My two top choices were the library or going back to me and Farah's tree outside. I opted for the tree. I packed lunch again today, another really shitty dry ass turkey sandwich. I hated it, I missed the lunch table and it was way too cold for me to be sitting outside. I munched on my horrible lunch and scrolled through instagram until a hand snatched my phone away from me.

"Hey!" I yelled looking up. It was Roy, grinning at me with my phone in hand. "Roy? What are you doing here?" I hopped up and gave him a quick hug.

"My school is out early today. Someone lit a fire in the boy's bathroom." He shrugged. I gasped loudly and covered my mouth.

"What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah Imani, I'm good." he laughed. "I wasn't the one who set the fire."

"I didn't think you were!"

He grinned bigger. "Yes you did."

"Yeah I did." I sighed. He laughed loudly and handed me back my phone.

"So why are you outside by yourself? Doesn't everyone else eat inside?" He sits down next to me on the cold hard ground.

"I'm avoiding Jason." I pick off some of the seeds on my sandwich bread.


"Because we kissed and I think it ruined our friendship."

"Oh..." We sat in silence for a beat before he spoke up again. "Do you... like Jason?"

My face heated up in embarrassment. I shrugged and took a small bite of my lunch. I've known I liked Jason since 8th grade. But I've told way too many people recently. At some point it's gonna get back to him and I just can not have that right now.

"A shrug isn't an answer Imani. Do you like Jason?" Roy pressed the issue. He looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face. His eye contact was so intense I just felt like I couldn't lie to him.

"Yeah... a little bit." I mumbled out pathetically.

"How much is a bit. Is this a crush or infatuation?"

"Somewhere in the middle?"

"Oh." He nodded in understanding. "Then I can see why you're avoiding him. To be honest that wasn't a real kiss Imani. It was a small peck."

"Umm, after I ran away and got embarrassed we talked. He said the same thing that it was only a small peck not a real kiss. So then he showed me what a 'real kiss' was in the backyard. We haven't spoken since. He didn't even text me back after I told him I got to Donna's house safely." I buried my face in my hands, totally abandoning my sandwich on the ground.

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