Chapter 7 - The Sleep Problem

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 After our very aggressive argument, me and Farah made up. I said sorry, she said sorry. We hugged it out. Everyone clapped which was very dramatic but also really funny. Tim pulled out his phone and showed the two of us how he recorded the entire thing. I was mortified all over again. I begged him not to post it and he said he wouldn't but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes that I just didn't trust.

Jason took me home, I didn't feel like staying too much after my embarrassing outburst. He walked me to my door and hugged me. Actually, I wouldn't call it a hug, I would call it an embrace. He wrapped his arms around my hips and buried his head in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we stayed like that for a while lightly rocking side to side until he let go of me. It was so nice, he smelled so good, like manly and woodsy. He was also so warm, I felt chilly as soon as he let go of me. I was so giddy afterward that I almost skipped to my bedroom.

Nothing would have ruined my mood when I woke up the next morning and headed to school. What made it better was walking towards my locker and seeing Jason waiting there for me. Well, he was with Dick and Farah but those two were... occupied. Jason was eyeing them down in disgust.

"Wow, two days in a row," I muttered as I stood next to him. He laughed a little before enveloping me in a hug.

"Hey, Bunny." He murmured. I squeezed him back.

"Hey J." We let go and I opened my locker to get my books for the day. My stomach was alight with butterflies and my skin burned where he touched me. But I kept my cool, I didn't want him to know how much he affected me. I faced him again and noticed the bags under his eyes were a lot worse and he looked worn out.

"Jason, did you stay up late again?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"Yeah. I had some stuff to take care of." He answered back tiredly. I turned towards his brother, who was still making out with Farah, and whacked him in the back. Dick jumped at the contact and hissed in pain.

"What the fuck Imani? Why'd you hit me?" Dick whined while Farah rubbed his back soothingly.

"What exactly are you guys doing that is keeping Jason up at all hours of the night?" I crossed my arms and glared at Dick. He wavered a bit and took a quick peek at his brother before looking back at me.

"I tell him to take it easy when he's going on pa- I mean when he's studying. But he doesn't listen to me. You should be hitting him!" Dick points a finger at Jason behind me. I whipped around towards Jason and smacked him in the arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed the affected area. "You're very heavy handed you know."

"Stop staying up late studying! Midterms have passed already! You're stressing yourself out for no reason!"

"Sorry..." He says while biting back a smile.

"I don't know why you're laughing," I grumble, annoyed. I turn towards my locker and start stuffing my things in my backpack angrily. "Staying up late two nights in a row is crazy."

"Okay, mom," Dick teases. Farah smacks him in the chest and he looks at her in faux shock.

"Et tu, Brutus?" He whispers dramatically.

"She's my best friend. Hoes before bros." Farah shrugs. I grin at her and she returns the gesture. Dick pouts a little and Farah pecks him on the lips and grabs his hand.

"We're gonna head to class. I'll see you at lunch, Imani." She waves goodbye and the two go off down the hallway. I cock my head at their held hands.

"Are they dating?" I ask Jason, who is leaning against my now-closed locker.

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