Chapter 10 - The Girl's Day

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"The mall has been so boring these days. Nothing left to do anymore." Babra sighed as she stirred her cup of soda with her straw. The food court was bustling with people. The girls and I... plus Jason were all huddled in the corner of the food court at a booth with some greasy burgers and soda. After about an hour of walking we were all hungry and decided to stop for some shitty mall food. We were also bored of window shopping and thought that stopping to break up the monotony would somehow make the mall less boring.

Gotham Mall is disgusting and derelict. So we opted to go a little farther to Central City Mall. We got there two hours after school ended. It took a lot to get the boys to agree not to come with us. Farah had to promise that she'd hang out with Dick tomorrow if he didn't come with. And Barbra put Tim in a headlock to get him out of her car. Jason offered to drive me home which I agreed to. He tried to come inside and "just hang for a second'' but I convinced him not to. Kinda. He drove me to the mall after I packed my bag and changed out of my uniform. Now he's conveniently decided he needed to buy stuff at the mall too.

"Can we stop at Pink before we leave? I need new slippers." Farah said bored.

"Sure. There's nothing else to do." Donna sighed dramatically.

"You guys are boring." Jason muttered beside me. I glared at him and he smirked back at me.

"Who even invited you Jason?" Barbra sneered. "This is a girl's day. Not a girls and moody teen boy day."

"I invited myself. Don't worry I'm not gonna crash your dumb sleepover. I'm just bored and Grayson is annoying." Jason placed his arm around my chair and scooted closer to me. Farah's eyes flitted between the both of us suspiciously. I avoided eye contact with her and kept my focus on my lukewarm strawberry soda.

"He's your brother. Deal with it," Barbra glared at him. He just smirked back at her, which seemed to annoy her even more. She rolled her eyes and popped a french fry in her mouth. Donna checked her phone and perked up.

"Diana said the place is ready!" She cheered. She looked up from her phone excited. "Let's go girls... and Jason I guess." The girls turned and looked at the both of us. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment.

We headed towards the parking lot, Jason still following closely behind. We were chatting about school gossip, well the other girls were chatting about school drama. I was more hanging back and listening. It's hard to gossip when you really don't know anyone at school. It was still entertaining though. As we were talking, three guys we didn't know came up to talk to us.

"Hey girls. You guys go to school around here?" The tall one asked us. Well more like asked Donna, she was the only one he was looking at.

"No, we're from a town over." She answered him twirling some hair around her finger and fluttering her lashes at him.

"Oh dope. Well I'm Brandon, this is Eric and Andrew." He pointed at his other two friends. Eric and Andrew looked to be around our age. Eric looked to be South East asian, he was super tall. Not taller than Jason but still tall. He was really handsome too. He gave me a slight smile when I looked over at him. Andrew was a bit shorter than his friend, platinum blonde and tan. He had a smattering of freckles on his face as well. Brandon had black hair and looked like he was hispanic. Gorgeous guy and charming too. Donna seemed to be under his spell.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Donna, this is Farah, Barbra and Imani. Oh and uh, Jason." She pointed to each of us. I gave a tiny wave that Eric gave me back. Jason stiffened behind me and moved an inch closer.

"Are you girls busy tomorrow?" Brandon smiled at Donna.

"Maybe? Why, you guys having a party or something?"

The Rich BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora