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The puppy man didn't buy the chocolate in the end.

The critter was a little nervous and didn't dwell too much on the question of "what's the difference between a puppy and a puppy man". She couldn't hide her emotions well, as if she was hiding from something, her ears involuntarily pulled back, and her nose twitched slightly from time to time, as if she was sniffing something.

She seemed to smell something, put the coin on the windowsill, and without waiting for change, she shoved the small bag of sweets into her bosom, and hurried away along the shadows between the tents.

Bach watched the puppy-man's furry tail disappear around the corner, and his face was a little stunned: "Ah... Ran away.

He looked a little worried: "Puppy people pups shouldn't be here alone, it's too dangerous for them.

Susie blinked: "Got a story?"

A moment of weakness appeared on the necromancer's face, and he looked away: "... Ah, actually, nothing.

Actually, it's not a very special thing.

One day, when Bach was an out-of-town apprentice, a hungry apprentice was trying to catch fish from a fountain in the park when a raised puppy man threw him half a piece of white flour.

The puppy man is soon taken away by his owner, and the half-apprentice returns to a life of wandering and fugitive.

There is no reunion of old people.

The puppy man Bach met was certainly not the one he had just met.

Susie tilted her head: "That kid should be a circus actor."

The necromancer looked up.

Susie asked, "I mean, are you going to the show at night?"


Although often confused by ordinary people, puppy people are not orcs.

Orcs who own their own territories and realms in the western wilderness and mountains have the same signs of a beast—fangs, ears, fur, or tail—but these characteristics do not completely cover the "human" part.

But puppy people are different.

These critters, let's just say them, are more like the anthropomorphic protagonists of children's stories, and they live scattered all over the continent and, interestingly, for some reason, they are all tame species: kittens, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, sheep, or deer.

In the eyes of most people, these critters... It is true that it can only be counted as animals.

In some places, people will raise them, they buy these small animals from pet stores, raise them carelessly, evaluate their appearance, coat color, and personality like ordinary pets, and breed them like picky pet owners to get more cute individuals.

The backstage of the circus is a mess, the actors and assistants are busy preparing for the evening show, cheap makeup, glittering props, fancy costumes are everywhere.

Coco deftly crept through behind the tent's curtain, silently burrowing behind the black tarpaulin. Aunt Louise was nervously looking out and was relieved to see her return.

She stretched out her hand to greet and whispered, "Come, come!"

Coco's eyes lit up, and she quickened her pace, crashing headlong into Aunt Louise's arms like a small cannonball, her head rubbing against her clothes, and her tail wagging "whirring". Then, she took out the well-hidden bag from her clothes and whispered, "Look! What did I bring back! It's candy!

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