# Entry 1 (First time hearing voices?) + Introduction.

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...Hi. my name's Hellen. I'm 13 and I'll be putting my real life experiences here..

So let's get started.

(So the first experience that has ever happened to me happened about 6 months ago..)

On Saturday, at 2am. I went outside into my backyard because, I wanted to go out for a while. (My parents don't let me go out because I'm too young.) And I sat on a chair in my backyard and I stared at the stars in the sky and I was bored, and I didn't know what to do. However after 10 minutes of being outside.. I felt watched.. i started to get paranoid and i was talking to myself when suddenly i heard a voice whisper behind me: "Hey..!" I turned around however, there was no one behind me. I freaked out and I was actually scared and panicking, I tried to calm down and not even 2 minutes later I heard it again "Hey!" I felt a presence behind me so I got scared and I didn't want to turn around but, after a few minutes I turned around slowly however. I didn't see anything..

(I also heard someone moan in my ear- 😭)

(I started laughing but, I was still scared.. it's like they're trying to calm me down by making me laugh. Now that I think about it it's kinda sweet??? (Not really??))

I also saw a shadow figure of someone crouching in the corner of my eye but, then it disappeared...

My Journal (Creepypasta Experiences...📼)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें