#Entry 28

41 2 10

(Feb/25/2024)                     [Sunday 2:24PM]

...Hi. So lately I have been trying to get ahold of Hydr0chl0r1c_ac1d but, she isn't responding.. not sure what is going on but, I'm worried. I learned how to use the camera, but, I'm not going to post it until we move. Which will be next month.

I tried the slenderman ritual thing, but, nothing much happened.. Well.. Yes, something did happen but, not to much..

So basically after I closed my eyes, nothing much happened, however, I did feel a weird sensation on my back like as if someone was touching it.. I also felt a presence behind me, which felt like slenderman but, I didn't hear a voice or anything. When I opened my eyes and turned around, I decided to put my phone away that's when I heard something like on the roof of the house.. it sounded weird.. like scratching? Or something like that. So I took out my camera and I started to record outside of my window and I zoomed in to see if i captured something.. and then i opened the front door and recorded outside. When I checked the footage it was a lil Staticy and I also heard a buzzing in the video which I didn't hear.. but then.. MY STUPID ASS DELETED THE VIDEO.. So now, I don't have it!

I swear why the hell did I delete the video.. I'm fucking stupid.

Anyways.. today we went to the park and recorded with the camera.. we just came back from the park and my dad and mom fought.. so now dad went somewhere? I'm not sure. He says he won't come back but, I HIGHLY doubt that he will actually leave. Knowing how he is.

Anyways here are the symptoms:

- Throat hurting
- Coughing fits (a lot)
- Nausea/Dizziness
- Headaches
- Not wanting to eat, even when I'm hungry (possibly Anorexia)
- Strange dream with symbols
- Felt someone touching my back (possibly slenderman)
- Extreme/Major Amnesia
- Paranoia
- Hearing strange noises
- Painful breathing
- Deja Vu
- Aches and pains
- Tiredness/Exhaustion
- Phone glitching

Also what's crazy is that today when I woke up at about 9am I heard someone throw something on my window.. like it sounded like splashing. when I opened the curtains MY WINDOW WAS WET AND IT HASN'T RAINED, it was very sunny outside. Someone possibly threw a bucket of water on my window and then ran away.

Also.. let me tell you about the dream . . .

So the dream started with me being at the supermarket which is right next to the bank.. I saw three girls that were wearing pink and unicorns shit like that and when they saw that i was also wearing a unicorn shirt they told me to come with them.. (don't know why I had a unicorn shirt, but, not going to question it-) and then that's when i saw multiple operator symbols drawn on the ground and a whole bunch of symbols.. (From tribetwelve.) And I asked the girls if they had seen that symbol before and they said no.. after that we left and it was nighttime.. then the dream ended.

Bro I keep coughing and my throat hurts.. Also my phone is glitching like crazy rn..

Well that's about it.. I'll see you in a while because I have a fucking headache.

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