#Entry 5 (Dream..)

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Dec/13/2023 Wednesday.

Okay so today, I feel VERY sick I can't stop coughing. My throat hurts and I didn't go to school today.

I had a dream about me being inside my room and I was laying in bed (next to my mom for some reason) and i was on my phone and when I looked out my window and I saw a tall figure. I'm not sure if it was the operator or not but, I think it was either the operator or slenderman. I think it was slenderman though. I freaked out and I stared at it and I told my mom who was next to me: "Hey mom!.. did you see that?!" My mom looked at me confused. "No..? Why?" She looked at the window and back at me confused and that's all I remember.

On another scene It was about my mom and me and we were walking on the sidewalk (it was raining hard) and that's all I remember..

I woke up with aches and pains, my legs, arms and ankles hurt. I can't stop coughing and I felt way too tired to even get up to go to school so I just slept.. (Also I think I got everyone sick.. My mom says that she has a fever and my dad also says that he feels terrible) I feel very dizzy and nauseous and I have been feeling tired these past few weeks..

I also have a vivid memory.. and now that I think about it. I think it has been stalking me my entire life. Let me explain.

So I have a memory of my past self (3 or 4 year old me. Back then I lived in Atlanta with my mom and dad) I was in the room and I was playing with dolls and giving them tea while my mom was cooking in the kitchen. (like normal) and I looked at the window and I saw a tall figure and I waved at him and I smiled, it tilted its head and It tapped on the window and then i looked down and I started to play with my dolls again. As if nothing happened. (The figure looks Exactly like slenderman) and what's werid is that back then (when I was 11, 9, 10 ect.) I didn't remember that memory but, now that I'm researching about him, I suddenly remember that.. Is it a coincidence..? It would also explain when I was 6 or 7 (first grade) how i got a nosebleed randomly, and how i would get sick sometimes..

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