#Entry 15

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(Jan/10/2024) [Wednesday 8:26PM]

These past few days I have been busy with school so I haven't been updating much😅

But, I'll still tell you something.

So lately my parents have been fighting a LOT, my coughing fits got worse, I'm feeling extremely dizzy, I have gotten a migraine a few times these past few days. Today, I also found a bruise on my knee when I woke up.


I have been VERY stressed with school, the teacher is being a bit too.. Controlling and irritated. She has been yelling at me a lot. Today she asked me why she got a call from the principal about something about me. I told her that I didn't know and then she just started yelling at me and she made me go on the computer.

So basically she got a call from the principal telling her that my mom called and that my mom explained that I didn't have a computer so I couldn't do my work. And for some reason the teacher kind of took it out on me! I GENUINELY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG? MY MOM JUST TOLD HER THAT I DIDN'T HAVE A COMPUTER SO I COULDN'T DO MY WORK. AND SHE WAS PISSED OFF AT ME! it's not my fault I don't have a dang computer?! Do you know how much computers cost?! They cost about $100 dollars or more. I used to have a computer but, I couldn't do my work there. Because the computer was very old. (It cost about.. $50 to $60 so it was.. cheap?. Well to us. That much money is not cheap at all) and since the computer was so old and it was laggy, I couldn't do the school work so my parents sold it.

I genuinely don't understand why the teacher would yell at me for something THAT I CAN'T CONTROL. What does she want me to do?! My parents aren't rich! They aren't wealthy- WHAT THE FUCK DOES SHE EXPECT ME TO DO?!.

I was kind of nervous and annoyed at the teacher, but I was also very confused. Because she kept yelling and ranting about that. A few days ago she also embarrassed me in front of the whole class! However, I didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed in general I didn't really care.

Anyways, besides my teacher being a bit of a.. actually I'm not gonna say anything. In general. And what's worse is that my teacher in 7th grade IS THE SAME TEACHER THAT I HAD IN 5TH GRADE. And back in 5th grade, I was stressed, depressed and just irritated almost all the time. I literally cried myself to sleep, I would have anger issues and sometimes I would lash out or yell at that same teacher.. I mean. I'm not as depressed as I was in 5th grade but, I DEFINITELY am more stressed out and 10 times more irritated.
Back to #Entry 15 (After school)

Also at 7pm, I went outside because my parents we're fighting and arguing again, and I just wanted to be alone. So I went outside and I stayed there for a few minutes and I was very paranoid, I felt watched and I could have sworn that I heard something behind me.. it was a rustling noise? It sounded like either bushes rustling or like something was sprinting at full speed behind me?.. I think it could be just my paranoia. But, I could have sworn that I heard something.

I'm going to be honest. I think my mom cares about me the most because, everyday even when I tell her: "mama yo no tengo hambre" She tells me: "No! Tu vas a comer yo no quiero que te mueras."

Translation for those who don't know Spanish: Me: "Mom I'm not hungry!"
Mom: "No! You are going to eat! I don't want you to die."

Now that I think about it. She actually cares about me (Unlike.. My dad who doesn't give a fuck.) Even though I tell her a thousand times that I'm not hungry, she will either way, end up making food for me.

Also what's weird is that when I'm at school, I'm quiet, observant and I'm not angry and I'm definitely more vulnerable.. However, when I get home my attitude changes a LOT. I become more aggressive and I'm silent most of the time..? And at home my anger issues are .. past the limit I would say. Most of the time that I'm at home, I'm angry. Just almost all the time.. I'm just almost always angry at home, at school I'm rarely angry, and what's weird is that instead I might start to tear up if I get yelled at. Which is weird.. it's like if I had two different personalities. The more aggressive one at home and the more quiet and nervous one in school..

Well I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

Bye!! :) 🖤

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